
 2023-01-29 13:02:51


摘 要




A Study on The Financing of Listed Forestry Companies -- A Case Study of Jilin Forestry Industry


China has become a major producer and consumer of forest products in the world, but the deterioration of the ecological environment and the reduction of forest resources have made the development of forestry companies face many difficulties, and the exploitation and protection of forestry resources has become the focus of the whole society. The forestry resources are declining day by day, and the financing difficulties and shortage of funds of forestry companies have become obstacles restricting the development of forestry companies. Especially for forestry listed companies, financing is very important in the development process of the company. As a leader in the industry, forestry listed companies are of great significance in researching the financing problems of forestry listed companies, and can provide reference for other forestry companies to provide financing for the forestry industry. Development indicates the direction. In the capital market, the rational use of financing channels and financing methods can promote the formation of interest-based mechanisms for forestry listed companies with capital as a link, and improve the efficiency of forestry resource allocation. This paper takes Jilin Forest Industry as an example to discuss the financing problems of forestry listed companies, to regulate and strengthen the financing management of forestry listed companies, broaden financing channels and resolve financial risks.

This paper firstly consulted a large number of literatures on the financing problems of listed companies at home and abroad, and combined with the characteristics of forestry listed companies, selected 20 forestry listed companies in China as a research sample, in order to visually and clearly see the financing problems of forestry listed companies, Through the analysis of relevant financial data of sample companies from 2014 to 2017, this paper summarizes and analyzes the financing status of China"s forestry listed companies and the problems in the financing process: over-reliance on short-term liabilities for financing, single financing channels, unreasonable financing structure, financing Inefficiency, in response to these problems, this paper proposes improvement suggestions from the aspects of broadening financing channels and improving financing mechanisms, thereby improving the financing problems of forestry listed companies.

Keyword:The listed forestry company;Financing;Jilinsengong company

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪 论 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2 研究目的及意义 1

1.3 研究内容及方法 1

1.4 论文框架 1

第二章 林业上市公司的相关概念和基础理论概述 3

2.1 林业上市公司的概念和特征 3

2.2 现代企业融资理论 3

2.3 国内外综述 4

2.3.1 我国目前研究的融资现状 4

2.3.2 国外研究的融资现状 4

2.3.3 文献评述 5

第三章 林业上市公司的融资现状分析 6

3.1 我国林业上市公司概述 6

3.2 林业上市公司融资现状分析 7

3.2.1 林业上市公司外部融资现状分析 7

3.2.2 林业上市公司内部融资现状分析 8

第四章 林业上市公司融资问题及成因分析 9

4.1 林业上市公司融资存在的问题 9

4.1.1过分依赖短期负债进行融资 9

4.1.2融资渠道单一 9

4.1.3融资结构不合理 10

4.1.4 融资效率低 10

4.2 融资问题成因分析 12

4.2.1 历史根源 12

4.2.2 林业自身经营的特点 12

4.2.3 金融机构运作的原因 13

4.2.4 林业上市公司融资配套措施不完善 13

第五章 吉林森工融资问题案例分析 14

5.1 吉林森工上市公司概述 14

5.2 吉林森工的融资现状 14

5.3 吉林森工融资存在的问题 15

5.3.1 依赖短期负债进行融资,融资结构不合理 15

5.3.2 融资渠道单一 15

5.3.3 融资效率低 15

5.3.4 其他融资问题 15

第六章 林业上市公司融资问题对策及建议 16

6.1拓宽融资渠道 16

6.1.1 建立健全完善金融生态坏境 16

6.1.2 建立良好的信用体系 16

6.2 完善融资机制 16

6.2.1 调整融资结构 16

6.2.2 完善融资平台 16

结 论 18

致 谢 19

参考文献(References) 20

第一章 绪 论

1.1 研究背景


1.2 研究目的及意义


1.3 研究内容及方法


1.4 论文框架




2.1 林业上市公司的概念和特征



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