
 2023-01-29 13:02:56


摘 要



Financial risk analysis and preventive measures in enterprise merger and acquisition —— taking Meituan merger and acquisition of dianping as an example


With the rapid development of China"s economy, merger and acquisition has become the current enterprise to achieve rapid expansion strategy to increase its competitiveness, merger and acquisition of enterprises has become an important part of financial management research. Mamp;a is an important measure for enterprises to gain competitive advantage and sustainable development. Under the background of economic globalization, merger and acquisition activities become more and more frequent and become an important means of enterprise development. The best way for enterprises to achieve sustainable development is merger and acquisition. Mergers and acquisitions are associated with high risks and high returns. Among many risks, financial risk is the most important. Seeking for financial synergies is the starting point of mergers and acquisitions and also a factor that can directly affect the results of the whole merger and acquisition. Financial problems almost run through the whole process of enterprise merger and acquisition. In the process of enterprise merger and acquisition, due to the change of economic environment, the impact of market competition, plus the structure of enterprises, industrial differences, enterprises are likely to face greater financial risks. All financial activities are easy to cause financial risks. If the financial risks arising from merger and acquisition cannot be properly solved, it will bring economic losses to enterprises to a large extent. Therefore, financial risk will directly affect enterprise merger and acquisition activities. All mamp;a enterprises need to take this factor into full consideration in the process of mamp;a. Many of the previous M amp; A failed because there were companies that ignored the financial risk of M amp; A.Therefore, this article through to our country enterprise merger and acquisition financial risk genesis in recent years, has provided the preventive measure, has the important practical significance to the enterprise merger and acquisition.

Keyword:Mergers and acquisitions. Financial risk; Preventive measures; A case study


摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景及意义 1

1.1.1研究背景 1

1.1.2研究意义 1

1.2国内外研究现状 1

1.2.1国外研究状况 1

1.2.2国内研究状况 1

1.3.研究思路 2

1.3.1研究内容 2

1.3.2研究方法 2

1.3.3全文结构框架 3

第二章 企业并购及财务风险的含义 4

2.1企业并购的含义 4

2.2财务风险的含义 4

第三章 产生财务风险的原因及防范措施 5

3.1并购的过程 5

3.2产生财务风险的原因 5

3.2.1企业并购的信息不对称 5

3.2.2企业并购所处的环境的影响 5

3.2.3并购企业的融资方式和支付方式不当 5

3.3对财务风险的防范措施 6

3.3.1充分了解并购企业的信息,正确评估企业价值 6

3.3.2遵守政府经济政策并了解目标企业所在国的政策法规 6

3.3.3正确选择支付方式,选择合适的交易类型 7

第四章 大众点评并购美团的案例分析 8

4.1并购背景 8

4.2并购动因 8

4.2.1基于经营协同效应 8

4.2.2基于市场结构 8

4.2.3基于财务协同 9

4.3并购类型及方式 10

4.4并购中出现的财务风险及防范措施 10

4.4.1估值风险 10

4.4.2融资风险 10

4.4.3因估值产生的财务风险的防范措施 10

4.4.4因融资产生的财务风险的防范措施 10

第五章 结论及建议 12

致谢 13

参考文献 14


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