摘 要
从国务院近年来发布的公告中提到,在互联网金融快速发展的当代,应该进一步完善金融业征信平台的建设,扩大金融信用信息基础数据库,加快信息交换和共享机制。互联网与信息技术的发展使大数据征信登上历史舞台, 百行征信公司的筹建及其股权结构设计意味着我国大数据征信业向着打破信息孤岛、实现信息共享方向走出了新的一步,然而其中仍有一些问题需要进行研究和应对。
Research on the Influence of BAIHANG Credit Investigation Company on Internet Finance
According to the announcement issued by the state council in recent years, in the era of rapid development of Internet finance, the construction of financial credit investigation platform should be further improved, the basic database of financial credit information should be expanded, and the information exchange and sharing mechanism should be accelerated.With the development of Internet and information technology, big data credit investigation has entered the historical stage. The establishment of BAIHANG credit investigation company and its equity structure design mean that China"s big data credit investigation industry has taken a new step towards breaking the information island and realizing information sharing. However, there are still some problems that need to be studied and addressed.
Big data credit investigation plays a fundamental role in Internet finance, such as information subject understanding, industry situation prediction and information coverage expansion. It can be seen that big data credit investigation has become the main force in China"s credit investigation industry.Combined with the establishment background and operation mode of BAIHANG credit investigation, we can roughly explore the favorable influence of BAIHANG credit investigation on Internet finance, namely to improve the standardization of big data, strengthen the transparency of big data, improve the security of big data and improve the effectiveness of big data.At the same time, there are indeed a series of problems in the diversified interests of shareholders, unreasonable data generation and use, credit rating of credit products, and the balance between the government and the market.Finally, in view of these problems, BAIHANG credit need for its healthy development, respectively from the clear responsibility, strict confidentiality and technical support, do be strongly regulated individual credit product development and promotion and market measurement between the government to take further measures.
BAIHANG credit investigation is a milestone in China"s credit investigation industry, as well as a successful model of China"s personal credit investigation.Through the various and multi-level research on BAIHANG credit investigation, it can promote the healthy development of itself and guarantee the increasingly comprehensive and perfect credit investigation industry in China.
Keywords: BAIHANG Credit Investigation Company; Internet finance; Big data credit
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第一章 绪 论 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究目的及意义 1
1.3 研究思路及内容 1
1.4 论文框架 2
第二章 文献综述及相关理论 3
2.1 文献综述 3
2.2理论基础 4
2.2.1信息不对称理论 4
2.2.2互联网金融理论 4
2.2.3长尾理论 4
2.2.4大数据理论 4
2.3概念界定 5
2.3.1大数据征信的定义 5
2.3.2 大数据征信与央行征信数据的比较 5
2.3.3百行征信的定义 5
第三章 大数据对互联网金融的基础作用 6
3.1 大数据征信的发展 6
3.2 互联网金融的发展 6
3.3 大数据征信对互联网金融的作用 7
第四章 百行征信的来源及运作方式 8
4.1 百行征信的建立背景 8
4.2 百行征信的主要特征 8
4.3 百行征信的运作方式 9
4.4百行征信与银联、网联的比较 9
第五章 百行征信对互联网金融的有利影响 10
5.1 完善大数据规范性,破除“信息孤岛” 10
5.2 强化大数据透明性,降低互联网金融成本 10
5.3 提高大数据安全性,保证数据质量 10
5.4 改善大数据有效性,有利社会信用体系建设 10
第六章 百行征信目前遇到的困难 11
6.1 股东利益多元化的潜在冲突 11
6.2 数据生成与使用的不合理 11
6.3 征信产品评级与否前景未明 11
6.4尚未把控好政府和市场的平衡 11
第七章 百行征信健康发展的对策建议 12
7.1 多方协调明确职责,适时调整盈利分配体制 12
7.2 严格履行保密义务,积极探索区块链技术支持 12
7.3 做好被强监管的个人征信产品的开发推广 12
7.4市场自律自治,政府加强监管 13
结 论 14
致 谢 15
参考文献(References) 16
第一章 绪 论