
 2023-01-30 10:34:17


摘 要





In recent years, China"s economy has developed rapidly.Many industries brought about by economic development are also developing vigorously, including the film industry in the entertainment industry. With the continuous improvement of China"s market economy, the market for mergers and acquisitions has also improved, and the limited resources in the film industry have also been improved.Most enterprises choose Mamp;A to broaden their market and enrich their resources. With the gradual emergence of various problems in corporate culture and personnel management in the film industry, I think it is a good choice to analyze the risks of Mamp;A.

Because the merger process involves many uncontrollable factors, the complexity of mergers and acquisitions also determines that it is impossible to judge whether the whole industry is suitable for mergers and acquisitions based on the success or failure of a merger and acquisition. This paper only gives an example of analysis, through a single case, it brings some constructions.

This paper takes Huachen, Dalian, as an example, to analyze all kinds of risks in the process of merger and acquisition and what precautions against these risks from various angles. By mapping the whole of the individual, this paper explores the control of merger and acquisition risks of the company, and puts forward some reference opinions.It can improve the success rate of Mamp;A and bring positive benefits to enterprises and companies.

Keywords: mergers and acquisitions;financial risk;risk management


摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪 论 1

1.1 研究背景与意义 1

1.2 研究目的和内容 1

1.3 研究方法 1

1.4 研究框架 1

1.5 国内外研究现状 2

1.5.1 国内研究现状 2

1.5.2 国外研究现状 2

第二章 影视类上市公司风险相关理论 4

2.1 并购风险的管理 4

2.1.1并购风险的概念 4

2.1.2 并购风险所包含的内容 4

2.2 影视类上市公司并购的动因 4

2.2.1 经济动机 4

2.2.2 效率动机 5

2.2.3 影视类上市公司并购风险阶段性分析 6

第三章 中影并购大连华臣案例分析 7

3.1 中影与大连华臣简介 7

3.1.1 关于中影简介 7

3.1.2 关于大连华臣简介 7

3.2并购的过程与并购背景 7

3.2.1 并购的过程 7

3.2.2 并购的动因 7

3.3 并购前后中影经营状况变化 8

3.3.1 中影并购前经营状况分析 8

3.3.2 大连华臣并购前经营状况分析 8

3.3.2 中影并购后经营状况分析 9

第四章 中影并购大连华臣风险分析与预防 11

4.1 并购准备阶段风险管理 11

4.1.1环境风险与其预防措施 11

4.1.2定价风险与其预防措施 11

4.2并购实施阶段的风险管理 12

4.2.1支付风险与其预防措施 12

4.3 并购整合阶段的风险管理 12

4.3.1人员整合与管理风险 12

第五章 浅析并购过程中的风险与预防 13

5.1并购准备阶段的风险管理 13

5.1.1加强并购风险管理意识 13

5.1.2重视风险评估 13

5.2 并购实施阶段的风险管理 13

5.2.1科学规划并购战略 13

5.2.2雇佣好的谈判团队 13

5.3 并购整合阶段的风险管理 14

5.3.1注重行业所特有的风险 14

5.3.2注重企业文化的融合 14

5.4 并购工作经验与启示 14

结 论 15

致 谢 16

参考文献(References) 17

第一章 绪 论

1.1 研究背景与意义




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