摘 要
杠杆收购一词在英语中为Leveraged Buyout,一般缩写为LBO,这种收购战略曾于20世纪80年代风行美国。杠杆收购是指收购者用自己很少的本金为基础,然后采用各种融资方式筹集大量资金进行收购活动,收购后以目标公司的收入来偿付因收购而产生的负债,以此来达到低成本换取高收益的一种收购方式。
Research on the Financing Structure Risk of LBO
LBO, the English word for Leveraged Buyout, or LBO, was popular at the end of the 1980s in USA. Leveraged buyout refers to an acquisition in which the acquirer uses a small amount of principal as the basis, and then raises a large amount of funds through various financing methods to conduct the acquisition. After the acquisition, the acquirer pays off the debt generated by the acquisition with the income of the target company, so as to achieve a low cost in exchange for a high return.
As a typical acquisition method with low input and high return, LBO is adopted by many companies when they purchase enterprises. However, high return means high risk, and the financial risk existing in LBO has always been the focus of discussion by researchers of LBO. This paper takes the financing structure risk as the research object, starting from the concept of LBO and financing structure, and discusses the common financing structure risk in LBO. Secondly, the classic LBO case of “the battle of Marlboro” is analyzed, the financing structure risk is studied and the risk avoidance measures are found out. At last, the paper makes a comprehensive analysis and summarizes all kinds of financing structure risk avoidance schemes, so as to provide a reference for how to reduce financing structure risk in LBO.
Key words: Leveraged Buyout; Financing Structure Risk; Case Analysis
目 录
摘 要 I
第一章 绪 论 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究目的及意义 1
1.3 研究思路及内容 1
1.4 论文框架 1
第二章 文献综述 2
第三章 杠杆收购的相关概念及理论 4
3.1 杠杆收购的概念 4
3.2 融资结构的概念 4
3.3 融资结构风险 4
3.3.1 融资结构风险的概念 4
3.3.2 杠杆收购中常见的几种融资结构风险 4
第四章 典型案例分析——2015年宝能集团杠杆收购万科股权案例 6
4.1 公司背景 6
4.1.1 宝能集团——收购方 6
4.1.2 万科——被收购方 6
4.2 案例回顾及分析 6
4.2.1 案例回顾 6
4.2.2 案例分析 8
4.3 主要风险 8
4.4 风险防范建议 9
第五章 融资结构风险规避方案与建议 10
5.1 合理制定融资结构 10
5.2 合理确定控制杠杆系数 10
5.3 合理控制融资期限结构 10
5.4 充分利用套期保值等金融工具 10
5.5 提前制定后备计划 10
结 论 12
致 谢 13
参考文献 14
第一章 绪 论
1.1 研究背景
1.2 研究目的及意义