
 2023-02-07 08:54:33


摘 要





Comparison and Choice of Dividend Policy

─ ─ Vanke as an example


As one of the three core parts of the modern financial management activities, the dividend policy not only affects the company"s business activities, but also has an important impact on the investor"s enthusiasm for investment in establishing a good corporate image and long-term and stable development. Different dividend policies have different characteristics. Enterprises should adapt and promote the development of enterprises according to their own development conditions, market conditions, national policies and other appropriate dividend policies.

This article takes the dividend policy of listed companies as the main research object. By combining the research methods with theory and case, this paper first elaborates some theoretical knowledge about dividend policy and some experts" opinions, then analyzes the status quo, existing problems and causes of dividend policy, Put forward some feasible ways to solve the problem. Followed by the Vanke , for example, with the data in-depth analysis of the different characteristics of the dividend policy and enterprise should choose the different periods of dividend policy.

The study found that the development of enterprises with a start-up, growth and stable development of the period, each period has a corresponding dividend policy, but because of policy implications and the company"s own business conditions and development expectations, the dividend policy may be adjusted. For dividend distribution, most listed companies will adopt the method of distributing cash dividends. Enterprises should develop appropriate management mechanisms and development goals to promote the development of enterprises, and regulators should also develop relevant rules and regulations and increase supervision to maintain the stable development of the market.

Keywords: Dividend Policy; Listed Company; Vanke; Policy Implications; Stability

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪 论 1

1.1研究背景 1

1.2 研究目的及意义 1

1.3 研究内容及方法 1

1.4 论文框架 2

第二章 文献综述及相关理论 3

2.1文献综述 3

2.2相关理论 3

第三章 股利政策的现状及存在的问题 5

3.1我国上市公司股利分配现状 5

3.2我国上市公司股利政策存在的问题 5

3.3我国上市公司股利政策现状成因分析 6

第四章 解决上市公司股利政策问题的对策 8

4.1加强机制建设,把好选人用人关 8

4.2拓宽市场融资渠道 8

4.3健全保护投资者的法律制度 8

4.4上市公司树立回报股东意识 9

4.5选择合适的股利政策 9

第五章 案例分析 10

5.1万科公司简介 10

5.2万科集团股利分配情况 10

5.3万科股利政策分析 11

结论 13

致谢 14

参考文献(References) 15

第一章 绪 论


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