
 2023-02-07 08:54:54


摘 要


首先,本文分别对高管变更、内部控制重大缺陷披露进行了概念界定,将上市公司高级管理变更分为高管主动辞职和被动辞职;其次,分别用委托代理理论 、信号传递理论及现代管家理论对高管变更及内部控制缺陷披露作了详细的阐述,奠定了本文研究的理论基础;再次,从经济学角度对高管变更对内控重大缺陷披露进行影响机理分析,并据此得出本文研究假设;然后,确定变量及模型,对数据进行描述性统计及独立样本t检验,采用二元logistics回归法检验假设。最后,根据回归结果分析得出研究结论,指出了文章的不足之处,并展望了后续研究方向。



the Influence of the Top Executives Changes on the Disclosure of Material Weakness in Internal Control


The frequent occurrence of illegal events in the operation and financial affairs of listed companies makes the internal control more and more important in improving the internal management and avoiding the weakness of internal control. Corporate top executives run the company by making and implementing scientific decisions, while designing, implementing and maintaining internal control to ensure the internal control operations effectively. In this context, this article studied the influence of disclosure of material weakness in internal control from the perspective of the top executives turnover, and discussed the direction and extent of the influence.

Firstly, this article conceptualized the changes of the top executives and the disclosure of material weakness in internal control apart, and divided the executives changes of listed companies into executive active resignation and passive resignation. Secondly, it discussed in detail the changes of top executives and the disclosure of internal control defects by using Principal-Agent Theory, Signal Transmission Theory and Modern Stewardship Theory, laid the theoretical foundation for this study. Thirdly, it analyzed the mechanism of the impact of the change of the top management on the disclosure of material internal control defects from the view of economics, and drew the research hypotheses. Then, variables and models were identified, descriptive statistics, independent sample t-tests and binary logistics regression were used to test the hypothesis. Finally, the conclusion of this paper is drawn from the regression results. At the end of the paper, the shortcomings are pointed out and the future research directions are prospected.

Through research, this project has verified the positive correlation between executives" changes and material internal control weakness, and reached the following main conclusions: There is a significant positive correlation between senior management turnovers and disclosure of material internal control weakness. It shows that the change of senior management does convey a signal that the company"s internal control has significant defects. The more senior executives change in listed companies, the greater the possibility of disclosure of material weaknesses in internal control. The innovation of this paper lies in an empirical study of the impact of the disclosure of material weakness in internal control from the specific perspective of senior management changes in corporate governance perspective,enriched the relevant research literature on the influencing factors of the disclosure of material weakness in internal control.

Keywords: Information Disclosure; Top Executives Changes; Material Weakness in Internal Control

目 录

摘 要


目 录

第一章 绪 论

1.1 研究背景、目的及意义

1.1.1 研究背景 1

1.1.2 研究目的 1

1.1.3研究意义 1

1.2 论文框架

第二章 国内外文献综述

2.1 内部控制缺陷披露的影响因素

2.2 高管变更对内部控制缺陷披露的影响

2.3 文献述评

第三章 理论研究

3.1 概念界定

3.1.1 高管变更 5

3.1.2 内部控制重大缺陷 5

3.2 理论基础

3.2.1 委托代理理论 5

3.2.2 信号传递理论 6

3.2.3 现代管家理论 7

3.3 影响机理及研究假设

第四章 实证研究

4.1 样本选取

4.2 变量设计及模型选择

4.2.1 被解释变量 9

4.2.2 解释变量 9

4.2.3控制变量 9

4.2.4模型选择 10


4.3.1描述性统计 10

4.3.2 独立样本t检验 11

4.3.3二元logistics回归分析 11


致 谢


第一章 绪 论

1.1 研究背景、目的及意义

1.1.1 研究背景


1.1.2 研究目的






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