摘 要
With the continuous development of China"s economy,more and more small and medium-sized enterprises emerged,accounted for more than 90% of the total number of enterprises in our country,in promoting social progress,technological innovation,optimizing the economic structure of our country plays a very important role.But with the changing economic situation,the living space of small and medium-sized enterprises more and more small,received from the lattice pressure,financing risk is the key factor hindering the SMEs financing,also disguised hinders the development of enterprises,so we should analyze the related problems and solutions in the enterprise financing,take corresponding measures to change this situation.So as to promote the development of enterprises,and promote the healthy and sustainable development of the whole national economy.
This paper takes Nanjing float glass factory as an example to study the financing risk of small and medium sized enterprises in china.This paper firstly analyses the financing situation of Nanjing float glass factory,and then analysis the reasons from the angle of Nanjing float glass factory and the country"s financial system from the angle of view,the financing of Nanjing float glass factory hard,finally from the three aspects put forward the ideas and Countermeasures to solve the financing difficulties of Nanjing float glass factory status.
Key words:Small and medium-sized enterprises;Financing risk;Present situation;countermeasure
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
目 录 III
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景及意义 1
1.2国内外研究现状 1
1.2.1国内研究现状 1
1.2.2国外研究现状 1
1.3研究内容及方法 2
1.4论文框架 3
第二章 中小型加工制造企业筹资概述及相关理论 4
2.1中小型加工制造业筹资概念界定 4
2.1.1 中小型加工制造业的界定 4
2.1.2 中小型加工制造业的筹资 4
2.2 相关理论 5
2.2.1 信息不对称理论 5
2.2.2优序筹资理论 5
第三章 福祥玻璃厂筹资现状分析 6
3.1 福祥玻璃厂简介 6
3.2 福祥玻璃厂筹资现状分析 6
第四章 福祥玻璃厂筹资困难的成因分析 10
4.1 从企业的制度政策以及金融机构方面分析 10
4.1.1 认识上的误区 10
4.1.2 管理体制层面 10
4.1.3 地方中小金融机构发展不规范 10
4.2 从企业自身发展特点方面分析 11
4.2.1 企业资产结构状况 11
4.2.2 企业经营风险大 11
4.3 从地方政府的监管层面分析 11
4.3.1 专门的筹资服务机构不健全 11
4.3.2 法规不完善 12
第五章 解决福祥玻璃厂筹资困难的对策 13
5.1 制定保障政策保证企业顺利筹资 13
5.1.1 鼓励针对企业的金融创新 13
5.1.2 构建完善的法律保障体系 13
5.2 加强企业自身的筹资能力 14
5.3 地方政府的监管服务要到位 14
结论 16
致谢 17
参 考 文 献(References) 18
1.1 研究背景及意义