
 2023-02-20 08:31:43


摘 要



关键词: 小微型企业;筹资风险;投资风险;资金回收风险;收益分配风险

Financial Risk Management in Small Micro-enterprises


Small micro enterprisehas play an important role in our country"s economic development, which cannot be ignored. Small micro enterprise can increase social employment, promote market economy, improve people"s living standards, promt the adjustment of economic structure. Nowadays, the management level of small micro enterprises can"t keep up with development. In the long term, the enterprises will be eventually eliminated by market economy due to the lack of long-term plan to comply with the rapid changes in the market operation. Enterprise managers in the enterprises must consider the financial risks during the the financial management. These inevitable risks can bring great harm to development of enterprises. Managers need to take a series of effective ways to minimize the risks.

I read a large quantities of reports in terms of small micro enterprise financing, investment, capital recovery financial risk through searching for information on the Internet or library. And they will be analyzed and studied. Broadly speaking, financial risk is divided into the following four: funding risk, investment risk, capital risk and income distribution risk. This article will in-depth analysis the current situation of small miniature enterprises, and the cause of financial risks in these, and put forward the solutions.

Keywords: Small and micro enterprises; Funding risk; Investment risk; Capital allocation risk; Income distribution risk

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景及意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 1

1.3 研究方法 2

第二章 小微型企业财务风险现状分析 3

2.1 小微型企业的界定 3

2.2 小微型企业的特点 3

2.3 小微型企业财务风险的类型 3

2.4 小微型企业财务风险的成因 3

2.4.1 外部环境 3

2.4.2 内部因素 4

第三章 筹资风险 6

3.1 小微企业筹资风险的成因 6

3.2 小微企业筹资风险的规避与防范 7

第四章 投资风险 9

4.1 小微企业投资风险的成因 9

4.2 小微企业投资风险的规避与防范 9

第五章 资金回收风险 11

5.1 小微企业资金回收风险的成因 11

5.2 小微企业资金回收风险的规避与防范 11

第六章 收益分配风险 13

6.1 小微企业收益分配风险的成因 13

6.2 小微企业收益分配风险的规避与防范 13

第五章 结论 14

致 谢 15

参考文献(References) 16

第一章 绪论

1.1 研究背景和意义


1.2 国内外研究现状


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