
 2023-03-16 09:33:10


摘 要





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Listed Companies Under the Background of the Real Estate Industry Investment Opportunities



In the market economy environment, the trend of economic globalization is obvious, the real estate industry plays an important role in the national economy. When a listed company is facing the phenomenon of improper operation placards, many investors will placards the company, often at this time it is only a good time stocks rose. In this paper, the listed companies in the real estate industry is under the background of the background of the investment opportunities for the majority of investors to analyze the current situation of the real estate industry, in order to predict the timing of the sale of the shares were placards.

First of all, this paper analyzes the whole direction of the real estate industry, analyzes the current situation of the real estate industry and the current situation of the listed companies. Then Vanke, for example, the annual report of Vanke Group for financial analysis, Vanke A shares for securities analysis, from the two angles of the listed investment opportunities to grasp. Then elaborated on the opportunity to grasp the investment, from Vanke this small point cited by other real estate companies listed on the real estate investment opportunities discussed.

Under the background of the real estate industry is the trend of the stock is favorable. After the successful listing of the real estate industry listed companies, the company will have a healthy fresh capital injection, mergers and acquisitions of enterprises, optimize the structure of the previous. For Vanke, the market is stable, there will be a slight increase in the short term, waiting to be able to quickly buy and sell, to achieve short-term capital gains.

Keywords: Real estate; Vanke; placards; investment opportunities


目 录



摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪 论 3

1.1 研究背景 2

1.2 研究目的及意义 2

1.3 研究内容及方法 2

1.4 论文框架 2

第二章 相关文献综述 3

2.1 证券市场举牌的相关概述 3

2.1.1举牌的涵义 3

2.1.2举牌的动机 3

2.1.3举牌收购标的特征 4

2.1.4证券市场举牌方式 4

2.2 财务指标相关概述 5

第三章 房地产行业上市公司被举牌现状 5

3.1 房地产现状分析 5

3.2 举牌现状分析 6

第四章 投资标地选择 8

4.1 万科财务分析 8

4.1.1 万科集团概况 8

4.1.2 偿债能力分析 8

4.1.3 运营能力分析 9

4.1.4获利能力分析 9

4.1.5 净资产收益率指标分析 10

4.1.6盈利能力方面的改进建议 10

4.2 技术分析 11

4.2.1 相关理论概述 11

4.2.2 趋势分析 11

4.2.3 阶段分析 12

4.2.3 形态分析 13

第五章 投资机会的把握 14

5.1 万科被举牌投资机会分析 14

5.2 从万科的被举牌事件挖掘蕴藏的二级市场并购 14

结 论 15

致 谢 16

参考文献 17

第一章 绪 论

1.1 研究背景

2017 年以来共有17 家上市公司被举牌。其中新黄浦、焦作万方、浪莎股份、天目药业等4 家公司年内均被连续2 次举牌。虽然今年房地产行业在被举牌的公司中不占大头,但2015年,房地产行业上市公司就有10 只个股被举牌,按年内被举牌次数来看,万科A 共计6 次,天宸股份、沙河股份、华鑫股份则达到或超过2 次,匹凸匹、绵世股份、新黄浦、金融街、海德股份、京投银泰也均被举牌。这些被举牌的上市公司经过重组或结构优化后,股价的走势明显上身,这对这些公司来说是机遇。被举牌的投资机会对房地产来说同样适用,本文就此展开研究。

1.2 研究目的及意义


1.3 研究内容及方法


1.4 论文框架


  1. 绪论。包括研究背景,研究意义,研究思路及内容等;
  2. 相关文献综述。主要包括证券市场举牌的相关概述;
  3. 房地产行业上市公司被举牌现状。包括房地产行业现状分析及房地产行业被举牌上市公司的现状分析;
  4. 投资标的的选择。选择万科集团作为投资标的,对其进行财务分析和技术分析;
  5. 投资机会的把握。参照第三章的分析,在房地产被举牌现状的大背景下,从证券投资学的角度对万科A股的买入卖出进行预测。




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