
 2022-04-30 21:38:53


摘 要





The rapid development of the market economy, people's level of spending power is also constantly improving. Hotel service industry has the advantage of high level of communication, high service capacity. Therefore, customer contact services, quality of service depends largely on the behavior of employees with service. Hogan (1984) defines service orientation as a set of personality traits that influence the quality of service. Previous discussions have focused on the impact of service orientation on employee performance and customer performance, without thinking about the role of work design in service orientation. Therefore, this paper uses empirical research methods to collect 298 valid questionnaires for hotel employees, to explore the impact of employee reshaping on service orientation in a quantitative way, and to explore the mediating role of job significance in the relationship between job reshaping and service orientation.

This paper has studied the relevant literature and learned about the work reshaping, work significance and service orientation. Using the existing research situation, through the analysis and derivation, the model research on job remodeling, work significance and service orientation is depicted. Using empirical research methods, design targeted questionnaires and issues, and use SPSS software to analyze the valid data recovered. The following conclusions are drawn: the reshaping of the work of the hotel service industry has a positive impact on service orientation. The research results are as follows: (1) The reshaping of the staff of the hotel service industry has a positive impact on service orientation, and positive positive for the job. (2) Hotel service industry employees have significant positive impact on job significance and service orientation; (3) In the relationship between work reshaping and service orientation, the meaning of work can play a mediating role. Finally, the paper draws conclusions from the data analysis, and puts forward suggestions and limitations of this research and prospects for future research based on the research results of service industry service management practices.

Keywords: job reshaping; job significance; service orientation; service industry

目 录

摘 要 I


第一章 绪论 3

1.1 研究背景 3

1.2 研究意义 3

1.3 研究内容 4

1.4 研究框架 4

1.5 研究方法 5

1.5.1 文献研究法 5

1.5.2 实证研究法 6

1.6 本文可能的创新点 6

第二章 文献回顾 7

2.1 工作重塑 7

2.1.1 工作重塑的概念 7

2.1.2 工作重塑的维度 7

2.2 工作意义 7

2.2.1 工作意义的内涵 7

2.2.2 工作意义的测量 8

2.3 服务导向 8

2.3.1 服务导向的内涵 8

2.3.2 服务导向的测量和结果变量 9

第三章 理论基础与研究假设 10

3.1 理论基础 10

3.1.1 社会认知理论 10

3.1.2 工作重塑 10

3.1.3 工作意义 11

3.1.4 服务导向 11

3.2 研究假设 11

3.2.1 工作重塑与服务导向假设 11

3.2.2 工作重塑与工作意义假设 11

3.2.3 工作意义与服务导向影响假设 12

3.2.4 工作意义的中介作用假设 12

第四章 研究设计 13

4.1 研究对象 13

4.2 构念测量 13

4.2.1 变量 13

4.2.2 问卷设计 15

第五章 数据分析 16

5.1 描述性统计 16

5.1.1 被测试者基本信息的统计分析 16

5.1.2 工作重塑得分的描述性统计分析 16

5.1.3 服务导向得分的描述性统计分析 17

5.1.4 工作意义得分的描述性统计分析 17

5.2 信度分析 18

5.3 效度分析 18

5.3.1 工作重塑量表的效度分析 18

5.3.2 工作意义量表的效度分析 19

5.3.3 服务导向量表的效度分析 19

5.4 相关分析 20

5.5 回归分析 20

5.5.1 工作重塑与工作意义的回归分析 20

5.5.2 工作意义与服务导向的回归分析 22

5.5.3 工作重塑、工作意义与服务导向的回归分析 22

5.5.4 工作意义的中介作用分析 24

5.6 总结 25

第六章 结论与展望 27

6.1 研究结论 27

6.1.1 控制变量对员工工作重塑、工作意义和服务导向关系的影响 27

6.1.2 酒店服务业员工工作重塑、工作意义与服务导向状况 27

6.1.3 员工工作重塑与服务导向的影响 27

6.1.4 工作意义在员工工作重塑对服务导向的中介作用 27

6.2 管理建议 28

6.2.1 找准招聘的重点指标 28

6.2.2 重视员工服务导向培训 28

6.3 研究局限性以及对未来研究建议 28

参考文献 30

致 谢 32


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