
 2022-07-07 22:27:20


摘 要



在数据处理阶段时,本文采用了目前最流行的社会网络分析软件UCINET 6.487来计算中心度,随后在 统计软件SPSS 19.0 软件中进行信度检验,最后在STATA 12.0软件中与调研量表数据一同纳入多元回归,并进行稳健性检验来确保这一模型的强壮性。通过实证分析对基于文献研究所提出的合理假设与理论模型加以验证,结论概括为:



A. 朋友网程度中心性正向调节情绪智力与非正式领导力之间的关系

B. 朋友网中介中心性负向调节情绪智力与非正式领导力之间的关系



Emotional intelligence is an important basis for individuals to obtain emotional support and information resources within the organization. Goleman's has put forward a clear-cut view that emotional intelligence is a key factor in leadership success, however, few studies have involved areas of informal leadership, and literature that takes the impact of emotional intelligence on informal leadership into account is even rarer. In fact, informal leadership is also an important management issue that can not be ignored when conducting theoretical research and management practice of leadership,which is the starting point of this study.

Complex and diverse human relationships put everyone in an organization into different social networks. Because of the work interaction or interpersonal communication among colleagues, the level of emotional intelligence will play an important role in the process of the informal leadership network’s establishing contact. Different individual's location in the friends network will also affect the spontaneous emergence of informal leadership. Focusing on the above issues, this study selected two centrality of friendships network as regulatory variables, and select organizational members as research objects, to analyze the impact of emotional intelligence on informal leadership. Also the article attempted to clarify the relationship between emotional intelligence and informality under different contextual factors, as well as the impact of leadership and the centrality of the two networks of friends can be adjusted.

This study uses UCINET 6.487 software to deal with social network data, and subsequently performs reliability testing in SPSS 19.0. Finally, multiple regression is included in the STATA 12.0 software along with survey scale data, and a robustness test is performed to ensure the robustness of this model. Through empirical analysis, we verified the reasonable assumptions and theoretical models based on literature research. The conclusions are summarized as:

(1)Emotional intelligence positively affects its informal leadership

(2)As a situation variable, friends network will have an impact on informal leadership

A. The degree centrality of friends network positively regulates the relationship between emotional intelligence and informal leadership

B. The betweenness centrality of friends network negatively regulates the relationship between emotional intelligence and informal leadership

KEY WORDS: emotional intelligence,informal leadership, friendship network, moderating effect, social network analysis, betweenness centrality, degree centrality


摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 3

1.1 研究背景 3

1.2 研究意义 4

1.2.1 理论意义 4

1.2.2 实践意义 4

1.3 研究内容与技术路线 5

1.4 论文结构 6

第二章 文献综述 7

2.1 被解释变量——非正式领导力的相关研究概述 7

2.2 解释变量——情绪智力的相关研究概述 7

2.3 调节变量——朋友网络的相关研究概述 9

2.4 情绪智力影响非正式领导力的相关研究 9

2.5 以往研究的不足 10

第三章 理论假设及研究框架 11

3.1 理论假设提出 11

3.1.1 情绪智力与非正式领导力的关系假设 11

3.1.2 朋友网络的调节作用假设 11

3.2 概念模型构建 12

第四章 研究方法 13

4.1 问卷设计说明 13

4.2 调研情况说明 13

4.3 变量的操作化定义及测度 14

4.3.1 非正式领导力量表选定 14

4.3.2 情绪智力的量表选定 14

4.3.3 朋友网络的量表选定 15

4.4 社会网络资料整理 15

第五章 数据分析 19

5.1 效度检验 19

5.2 信度检验 19

5.3 调查样本的描述性统计分析 19

5.4 相关性分析 20

5.5 回归分析 21

5.6 稳健性检验 22

第六章 结论与展望 23

6.1 研究结果讨论 23

6.1.1 假设检验结果 23

6.1.2 实证研究讨论 23

6.2 研究结论与理论贡献 24

6.2.1 研究结论 24

6.2.2 理论贡献 24

6.3 管理建议与启发 25

6.4 本文研究局限与后续研究改进 26

6.4.1 本文研究局限 26

6.4.2 后续研究改进 26

致谢 28

参考文献 29



随着人们对管理活动的重视程度不断增加,领导(Leadership)作为企业经营与管理的最为关键的环节,与之领域相关研究也随之增多。目前,有越来越多的研究开始注重到情绪智力(Emotional Intelligence,也被称为EQ,也被称为情商)对领导的重要作用——Salovey和Mayer(1990)首先提出了情绪智力这个概念,指的是个人能够监控自己和他人的情绪和情绪,并识别和利用这些信息来指导他们的思想和行为。这一概念对领导力研究产生了重要影响,已经有学者支持情绪智力是领导成功或失败的关键因素(Goleman,1995);McClelland(1996)在对全球食品和饮料公司的研究中发现,组织内由于高情绪智力的领导所能带来的年度利润比预期高出20%;随后,Goleman(1998)也通过比较188名跨国公司领导者的情绪智力和思维智力发现,情绪智力对工作绩效的影响是思维智力的9倍;学者们也在后来的相关研究中揭示力情绪智力与领导能力、工作表现和领导效率有着密切的关系(George,2000;Goleman,1998;Law,Wong,amp;Song,2004);有学者已经开始思考情绪智力在领导层面所发挥的作用(Ramo,Saris,amp;Boyatzis,2009;VanRooyamp;Viswesvaran,2004);Goleman(2004)指出,美国最重要的领导技巧同情绪智力有关。他的研究表明,领导者的成功高达79%的比例要归功于高情商。[7]与此同时,大多数研究者都指出领导者情绪智力的提高可以帮助提升其领导力(Herbstamp;Maree,2008;Jiamsuchon,2001;Kerr,Garvin,Heaton,amp;Boyle,2006;Mahenthiran,2010;Reddick,2007)。



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