摘 要
The Motivations of Crowdfunding in China:
An Empirical Study
——based on funders participate in token crowdfunding
For the long time, the microbusinesses and venture projects in our country have the issue of raising capital. Although the folk capitals are massive, lacking of effective channels make it difficult for companies get access to these capital. In order to solve problems of capital market and folk capital simultaneously, crowdfunding provides a highly efficient link between the two parts. However, the current participation of crowdfunding is not high, it is critical to find the way to exploit its advantage to the full and increase the involvement. The token crowdfunding has got to first base in our country, and this article covers the study of motivations of funders’ involvement of this crowdfunding. An analysis of reasons for involvement gives the founders, crowdfunding platforms, and the government related advices for development.
This article is based on the UTAUT, and includes crowdfunding funder involvement theory and trust theory. The crowdfunding funder involvement motivation model and the assumptions related are proposed based on the previous research. A sample of 121 scales was drawn through questionnaire. Firstly, we used the collected data do a descriptive statistics and then tested the reliability and validity of the questionnaire by SmartPLS. Finally, the path coefficients of structural equation model were obtained. We also verify hypothesis and give justifiable explanation of the results. Additionally, the participants sample was verified by comparing the whole sample and the result reached. The research indicates altruism, prospective earning, trust, and social influence have a large positive impact of funders’ involvement intentions. Social influence has a significant effect on trust. The influence of participation willing and self-efficacy on participation behavior is very significant. Furthermore, the study also shows that experience can increase the work of prospective earning and trust, while the role of social influence and self-efficacy would be reduced.
Key words: crowdfunding; funders; motive of participation; UTAUT
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究目的及意义 2
1.3 国内外研究述评 3
1.4 研究方法与技术路线 5
1.4.1 研究方法 5
1.4.2 内容与技术路线 5
第二章 理论基础 7
2.1 投资者参与行为理论 7
2.1.1 网络慈善行为 7
2.1.2 网络消费者行为 7
2.1.3 网络大众生产 8
2.2 信任理论 8
2.2.1 信任的作用 8
2.2.2 信任的测量维度 9
2.3 技术接受行为理论 9
2.3.1 整合型技术接受模型 9
第三章 模型构建与研究假设 11
3.1 研究思路与模型构建 11
3.2 研究假设 12
3.2.1 利他主义与参与意向 12
3.2.2 预期收益与参与意向 12
3.2.3 社会影响与信任、参与意向 13
3.2.4 信任与参与意向 13
3.2.5 自我效能与参与意向、参与行为 14
3.2.6 参与意向与参与行为 14
3.3 变量测量 14
第四章 实证研究 16
4.1 问卷设计与调查 16
4.1.1 问卷设计 16
4.1.2 问卷发放及回收 16
4.2 描述性统计分析 16
4.2.1 人口统计信息 16
4.2.2 因变量描述统计 17
4.3 信度分析 18
4.4 效度分析 19
4.5 结构方程模型检验 20
4.5.1 模型预测能力评价 20
4.5.2 模型估计参数研究 20
4.5.3 路径系数分析 21
4.5.4 参与者假设研究 22
4.6 结果讨论 23
第五章 结论与建议 26
5.1 研究结论 26
5.2 研究对管理的启示 26
5.2.1 对筹资者的建议 26
5.2.2 对平台的建议 27
5.2.3 对政府有关部门的建议 27
5.3 研究局限与展望 28
参考文献 29
附录 32
致谢 34
第一章 绪论
1.1 研究背景