摘 要
With the rapid development of Internet technology in recent years, O2O model e-commerce has been developed and developed rapidly. To some extent, it has brought obstacles to the survival and development of the retail industry. At the same time, the development of O2O e-commerce mode has also enlighten the entity retailing industry. Developing e-commerce mode has become the first choice for the entity retailing industry to get out of the current dilemma. Since 2009, child king has begun to develop e-commerce mode. The development of online shopping mall in 2013 and its offline stores is the starting point for the development of O2O mode. As the leader of the development of O2O e-commerce model in the entity retail industry, the financial performance performance after the development of e-business model by the child king has been paid attention to both inside and outside of the industry. This paper has certain theoretical and practical significance for the development of O2O models of other retail entities in China.
On the basis of combing the relevant literature of the development of the O2O e-commerce model in the entity retail industry, this paper analyzes the financial performance performance of the entity retail industry as a whole. At the same time, this paper makes an analysis and evaluation on the financial performance of the O2O e-commerce model, and puts forward some suggestions for raising the financial performance of the child king. Other entity retail businesses in the industry develop O2O business model, which can be used for reference and reference.
This study shows that the financial performance of the physical retail industry represented by child Wang Wei under O2O mode is not satisfactory, but it has great room for development.
KEY WORDS: O2O e-commerce model, financial performance,Retail entity,Kidswant
目 录
摘要 I
第一章 概述 1
1.1 研究背景和意义 1
1.1.1 研究背景 1
1.1.2 研究意义 1
1.2 研究内容和方法 2
1.2.1 研究内容 2
1.2.2 研究方法 2
1.3 相关概念界定 3
1.3.1 O2O模式 3
1.3.2 财务绩效 3
1.4 论文框架结构 3
第二章 文献综述及相关理论 5
2.1 文献综述 5
2.1.1 国内外实体零售业电商模式研究现状 5
2.1.2 国内外财务绩效研究现状 6
2.2 相关理论基础 7
2.2.1 财务绩效分析理论 7
2.2.2 财务绩效评价理论 8
2.3 本章小结 8
第三章 O2O运营模式下实体零售业财务绩效 10
3.1 实体零售业的O2O运营模式现状研究 10
3.1.1 O2O运营模式的特点 10
3.1.2 O2O运营模式的问题 10
3.2 O2O运营模式下实体零售业财务绩效分析 11
3.3 O2O运营模式下实体零售业财务绩效评价 21
3.4 本章小结 22
第四章 孩子王O2O运营模式下财务绩效案例分析 24
4.1 孩子王简介 24
4.2 孩子王的O2O运营模式概述 24
4.2.1 孩子王发展O2O模式的动因 24
4.2.2 孩子王发展O2O模式的路径 25
4.2.3 孩子王O2O运营模式的特点 25
4.3 孩子王O2O运营模式下财务绩效分析与评价 26
4.3.1 财务指标对比分析 26
4.3.2 EVA经济附加值分析 34
4.3.3 可持续增长能力评价 36
4.4 孩子王财务绩效的问题分析 38
4.4.1 盈利能力表现不佳 38
4.4.2 成本费用过高 38
4.4.3 存在潜在的财务风险 39
4.5 提升孩子王财务绩效的建议 39
4.5.1 转变盈利模式,逐渐从零售向服务过渡 39
4.5.2 完善物流配送系统,减少库存商品积压 39
4.5.3 合理安排筹资活动,防范财务风险 39
4.6 本章小结 39
第五章 孩子王对实体零售业发展的启示 41
5.1 转变传统的经营思维 41
5.2 创新适合的电商模式 41
5.3 打造独特的竞争优势 41
5.4 本章小结 42
第六章 结论与建议 43
6.1 研究结论 43
6.2 研究建议 44
致谢 45
参考文献 46