摘 要
关键词: 上市公司 信息化投资 公司绩效
In the age of informatization,the investment in information technology has brought unprecedented opportunities and challenges to Chinese companies. On the one hand, informatization can innovate and upgrade various work of the company as well as improve production efficiency and management level, so that the company can better implement the strategy of corporation grouplization and diversified development. On the other hand, the informatization investment will be a black hole for companies if fails to reach its expected target because of the huge capital investment, the long payback period and the cost of learning curve. If companies managers want to seize the opportunities brought by the development of information technology as well as avoid the investment lost, It’s important for them to understand how to realize the value of informatization investment. Therefore, to learn the correlation of informatization investment and corporate performance and how the correlation happens will provide basic help for the managers to clearly understand the significance of informatization, make the right investment decisions as well as better achieve the value of information technology.
This article will study the correlation of informatization investment and corporate performance based on the empirical study. From the angles of financial performance and market performance of the company, the article sets up two plural linear regression models. Survey data from 472 listed companies during 2010-2014 has been processed by correlation analysis and regression analysis with the aid of software STATA11. The results of the empirical study show that the informatization investment has a significant positive impact on the corporate performance from both two perspectives. The results indicate that the informatization investment of China's listed companies does not bring with the productivity paradox. Which means that our informatization investment has come into a mature stage.
Keywords: Listed Company Informatization Investment Corporate Performance
目 录
摘 要 I
第一章 概述 5
1.1研究背景与意义 5
1.1.1 研究背景 5
1.1.2 研究意义 6
1.2 研究思路与方法 6
1.3 相关概念 7
1.3.1 信息化投资 7
1.3.2 公司绩效 7
1.4 论文框架结构 8
第二章 文献综述和相关理论 10
2.1信息化投资与公司绩效相关性文献综述 10
2.1.1 国外学者研究成果 10
2.1.2 国内学者研究成果 11
2.1.3 文献述评 12
2.2 信息化投资与公司绩效相关性研究理论基础 12
2.2.1 生产函数理论 12
2.2.2 托宾Q理论 12
2.2.3 竞争战略理论 14
第三章 信息化投资与公司绩效相关性模型构建 14
3.1 信息化投资与公司财务绩效相关性模型构建 16
3.1.1 研究假设 16
3.1.2 变量定义 17
3.1.3 模型构建 17
3.2 信息化投资与公司市场绩效相关性模型构建 19
3.2.1 研究假设 19
3.2.2 变量定义 21
3.2.3 模型构建 21
第四章 信息化投资与公司绩效相关性实证分析 23
4.1 样本选取与数据来源 23
4.1.1 样本选取 23
4.1.2 数据来源 23
4.2 样本描述性统计分析 23
4.3 参数估计和假设检验 24
4.4 研究结果与分析 25
第五章 研究结论与展望 30
5.1 研究结论 30
5.2 研究局限与前景展望 31
致 谢 32
参考文献 33
第一章 概述
1.1.1 研究背景
信息化投资给中国公司带来了前所未有的机遇和挑战。一方面,公司信息化建设能带动公司各项工作的创新与升级,提高生产效率和管理水平,使公司更易实现集团化和多元化发展。但另一方面,由于信息化投资巨大,回报周期长,且需要其他互补资源和公司员工的配合,因此可能无法达到预期目标而形成投资空洞。例如,ERP系统作为公司信息化的重要组成部分,据统计,在我国投资购买了ERP系统的公司中,达到预期目标成功实现系统集成的公司约占 10%,没有或部分实现集成的约占30%-40%,投资失败的占50%,总共约有 80%的ERP系统投资是不成功的。