
 2023-03-15 10:33:34


摘 要

随着互联网技术的蓬勃发展,推动了以互联网 为其他产业的新经济发展模式,电子商务成为新兴经济增长点助力国家经济发展,第三方支付企业是电子商务发展中的衍生品,它的存在使得买卖双方在一个双方都信服的第三方的担保下进行交易,它推动了电子商务的发展,是我国电子支付业的重要组成部分。中国的第三方支付业务快速发展,市场上出现了如支付宝、财付通等成熟的支付软件,第三方支付企业为社会和经济发展的巨大贡献,另一方面也给传统商业银行带来新机遇。


关键字:移动支付 快捷支付 线下分析模型 博弈论


With the advent of the Internet era, rapid development of e-commerce, e-commerce has become a new economic growth point of the country, with the development of electronic commerce third party payment platform, as between consumers and sellers to communicate and fair intermediary, play an important role in promoting the development of electronic commerce, made a great contribution to the national economy. China"s third party payment business developed rapidly, the market appeared such as Alipay, TenPay mature payment software, the third party payment platform, a huge contribution for the social and economic development, on the one hand, the impact and new opportunities for traditional commercial banks.

Before the third party payment platform development, monopoly of commercial banks as the payment services industry exists, contains almost all social groups of customers, and with the e-commerce platform with the rise of the third party payment platform, in the early stage of development, its scope of business and customers are mainly scattered small account and individual buyers and sellers and, there is not much conflict between the two. With the transformation of the third party payment platform and expanding the scope of business to the financial services industry, the monopoly position of commercial banks in the payment services industry was shaken, the third party payment platform facing the challenge, the commercial banks to develop their online banking payment services and new business and the third party payment platform together to jointly develop mobile payment network, and expand the scope of their financial services. This article mainly through the example analysis third party payment platform and the commercial bank competitive cooperation relations, draws the conclusion, proposes own suggestion.

Key words: mobile payment Quick payment Offline analysis model game theory


摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景 1

1.2研究目的 1

1.3研究意义 1

1.4研究方法 1

第二章 文献综述 2

2.1背景 2

2.2国内研究概况 2

2.3国外研究概况 3

2.4 研究综述评价 3

第三章 我国第三方支付企业介绍和发展现状 4

3.1第三方支付企业概念与运行机理 4

3.1.1第三方支付企业的概念 4

3.1.2第三方支付企业的运行机理 4

3.2第三方支付企业的模式 4

3.2.1独立、公共的第三方在线支付模式 4

3.2.2公共电子商务交易企业的第三方在线支付模式 4

3.2.3特定电子商务交易企业的第三方在线支付模式 4

3.3 第三方支付企业的特征 5

3.3.1中介性 5

3.3.2信息安全性 5

3.3.3用户人群的特殊性 5

3.3.4市场集中性 5

3.3.5创新性 5

3.4 我国第三方支付企业的现状及前景分析 5

3.4.1第三方支付企业的现状 5

3.4.2第三方支付企业的前景分析 5

3.5第三方支付企业与商业银行的关系 6

3.5.1第三方支付企业与商业银行的合作关系 6

3.5.2第三方支付企业与商业银行的竞争关系 8

第四章 第三方支付企业与商业银行竞争合作关系的主要问题 9

4.1第三方支付企业缺乏核心竞争力 9

4.2 第三方支付企业发展迅速对商业银行的核心业务造成冲击 9

4.3 缺乏有效的责任划分和赔付机制 9

第五章 以支付宝为例对双方竞争与合作分析 10

5.1支付宝与商业银行的合作分析 10

5.2支付宝与商业银行的竞争分析 10

5.2.1 支付宝与商业银行业务竞争分析 10

5.2.2资金竞争 12

5.3.1线下竞争 13

5.3.2 银行的应对措施 14

第六章 建议及结论 15

6.1建议 15

6.1.1给第三方支付企业的建议 15

6.1.2给银行的建议 15

6.2结论 16

参考文献 17


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