
 2023-04-23 19:37:34


摘 要





Effect of Tax Policy of Energy Saving and Emission Reduction——Based on the Analysis of the High Energy Consuming Enterprises


Since the 21st century, the fast development of economic globalization, industrial production is increasingly developed, the consumption of resources has been growing. Energy resource is our survival and development on the fundamental motivation, but the development in society, the non-renewable resources of our country has less and less. Not only in China, the world"s energy shortage and environmental pollution are increasingly prominent phenomenon.

As an important economic lever and an important means of control, the incentive effect can not be ignored, to promote energy saving and emission reduction. How to use the tax policy to promote energy saving and emission reduction, become the focus of scholars at home and abroad hot.

In recent years, China announced a series of new measures to encourage energy conservation and emissions reduction, which includes the tax policy, although have a little effect, but the overall situation is still grim. The current tax policy is not perfect, limit the development of energy saving and emission reduction. Enterprise is the biggest subject, resource depletion, pollution emissions and energy is the focus, this article is based on the electric power enterprise for energy-intensive enterprise case concrete study, analyzes the effect of the tax policy of energy conservation and emissions reduction. First of all introduces the theories of the tax policy for energy conservation and emissions reduction, and then introduces the status quo of China"s energy conservation and emissions reduction, as well as the related tax policy. Then know what is worth learning foreign experience, combined with the Chinese high energy consuming enterprises to find the problems, and finally puts forward proposals to improve tax policies to promote energy-saving emission reduction Chinese.

Keywords: Energy-saving and emission-reduction; Tax policy; High energy-consuming enterprises

目 录

摘 要 II

Abstract III

第一章 引言 1

1.1 研究背景及研究意义 1

1.1.1 研究背景 1

1.1.2 研究意义 1

1.2 国内外研究的现状 2

1.2.1 国外相关研究 2

1.2.2 国内相关研究 2

1.3 研究思路和方法 3

1.3.1 研究思路 3

1.3.2 研究方法 3

第二章 税收政策促进节能减排的理论依据 5

2.1相关概念 5

2.1.1 节能减排 5

2.1.2 税收政策 5

2.2 税收促进节能减排的理论 5

2.2.1 外部性理论 5

2.2.2 新古典投资理论 6

第三章 我国节能减排的现状及相关税收政策 7

3.1 我国节能减排的现状 7

3.1.1 我国能源的概况 7

3.1.2 我国能源消耗、污染排放的现状 7

3.2 我国促进节能减排的税收政策 8

3.2.1 增值税 8

3.2.2 消费税 8

3.2.3 资源税 9

3.2.4 企业所得税 9

第四章 基于高耗能企业的效果分析 10

4.1 高耗能企业概述 10

4.1.1 高耗能企业的范围和特点 10

4.1.2 以电力企业为例分析税收政策的效应 10

4.2 我国节能减排税收政策存在的问题 12

4.2.1 节能减排的税收政策没有形成完整体系 12

4.2.2 现行的增值税政策对节能减排有一定抑制作用 12

4.2.3 积极有效的税收政策比较单一 12

4.3 政策存在问题的原因 12

第五章 国外发达国家促进节能减排的税收政策及借鉴 14

5.1 发达国家促进节能减排的税收政策 14

5.1.1 美国采取的税收政策 14

5.1.2 英国等欧洲国家的税收政策 14

5.1.3 日本的税收政策 14

5.2 国外先进经验的借鉴 15

5.2.1关于资源税征收的整改 15

5.2.2关于环境税开征的借鉴 15

5.2.3 发达国家激励的节能减排税收政策对我国的启示 15

第六章 促进我国企业节能减排税收政策的建议 16

6.1 形成完整体系的税收政策 16

6.2 优化增值税税制 16

6.3 鼓励性税收政策多样化 16

第七章 总结 18

致 谢 19

参考文献 20

第一章 引言

1.1 研究背景及研究意义

1.1.1 研究背景



1.1.2 研究意义



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