摘 要
旅游扶贫是怒江傈僳族自治州摆脱贫困,发展经济的重要举措。怒江州因处于横断山脉纵谷地带地形复杂,可耕种地少,交通不发达,导致其经济落后,社会生产力低下。这些因素也导致公共基础设施建设落后,从而使当地旅游业发展缓慢。但是怒江两岸有壮观的瀑布、峡谷内有湍急而下的河流,景色壮丽,且少数民族众多,拥有丰富的旅游资源,是一块还未开发的处女地。怒江发展现存在一系列问题,科学的发展旅游业,实行全域旅游,增加当地居民对旅游活动的参与度,既保护了怒江州脆弱的自然生态环境,给怒江带来良性发展,也增加了怒江州居民的人均收入和就业率,吸引外部投资企业进入。怒江旅游市场也会向周边地区、全国,乃至全世界扩展。进而带动贫困地区经济发展,实现怒江州的旅游扶贫目标。关键词:怒江州旅游扶贫, SWOT分析 ,全域旅游 ,旅游+,居民参与
Abstract:Tourism poverty alleviation is an important measure to get rid of poverty and develop economy in Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Prefecture. Because of its complicated terrain, less arable land and underdeveloped transportation, Nujiang Prefecture is backward in economy and low in social productivity in the valley area of Hengduan Mountains. These factors also lead to a backwardness in the construction of public infrastructure, which slows the development of local tourism. But there are spectacular waterfalls on both sides of the Nujiang River, rapids down the river in the canyon, magnificent scenery, and a large number of ethnic minorities, rich tourism resources, is a virgin land that has not yet been developed. Nujiang River develops a series of existing problems, scientific development of tourism, implementation of global tourism, increase local Residents" participation in tourism activities. It not only protects the fragile natural ecological environment of Nujiang, brings good development to Nujiang, but also increases the per capita income and employment rate of residents of Nujiang, so as to attract external investment enterprises. Nujiang tourism market will also expand to surrounding areas, the country, and even the world. And then promote the economic development of poverty-stricken areas and achieve the tourism poverty alleviation target of Nujiang Prefecture.
Keywords:Nu jiangzhou tourism poverty alleviation, SWOT analysis, Regional tourism, Tourism ,Resident participation
1 绪论 4
1.1研究背景 4
1.2研究现状 4
1.3 研究方法 5
2怒江州州情概况及旅游发展现状 6
2.1 怒江州州情概况 6
2.2怒江州社会经济发展情况 6
2.3 怒江州旅游资源概况 8
2.4 怒江州旅游发展现状 8
3关于怒江州旅游扶贫开发的SWOT分析 10
3.1 优势(strengths)分析 9
3.2 劣势(weakness)分析 10
3.3机遇(opportunities)分析 13
3.4威胁(threats)分析 14
4怒江州旅游扶贫措施 15
4.1 怒江旅游扶贫保障措施 15
4.2怒江多个旅游景点联动,实施“区域化”旅游 16
4.3 怒江特色“旅游+”扶贫策略 17
4.4增加当地居民的参与性 18
结论 20
参考文献 21
致谢 22
1 绪论
1.1 研究背景
1.2 研究现状