
 2022-10-18 21:32:47


摘 要




Research on Brand Positioning of Consumer Goods Industry: A Case Study of Hailan Home


With the leap-forward development of economy, people's consumption demand is increasing, clothing is no longer the original guarantee, they pursue style personality, fashion, clothing contains taste, literacy and cultural intrinsic.That's the power of the brand. Therefore, the competition among modern enterprises has evolved into brand competition. To win in the competition, enterprises must define their own brand positioning. Faced with such a severe market environment, to build an internationally renowned independent brand and improve international competitiveness has become the focus of the development of China's men's wear industry. How to carry out the correct brand positioning and break through successfully in the increasingly fierce market competition environment are all issues worthy of men's wear enterprises' consideration.

This paper takes Hailan Home Brand Men's Wear Enterprise as the research subject, combines the current development situation and increasingly fierce market competition environment of Hailan Home Men's Wear Enterprise, explores the overall understanding of Hailan Home Men's Wear Enterprise's development status and brand positioning management environment, and uses SWOT analysis method and Porter competition model to analyze the deficiencies in Hailan Home's brand positioning strategy and brand Through analysis, this paper puts forward specific strategies for improving brand positioning.

Key words:Brand positioning; Hailan house; Strategy


摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪  论 1

1.1研究背景 1

1.2研究内容 1

1.3研究方法 1

1.4研究意义 1

第二章 海澜之际品牌定位理论及公司经营概况 3

2.1 消费品的定义及分类 3

2.1.1 消费品的定义 3

2.1.2 消费品的分类 3

2.2 品牌定位的理论 3

2.2.1 品牌定位涵义 3

2.2.2 品牌定位概念 3

2.3 品牌文化理论 4

2.3.1 品牌文化定义 4

2.3.2 品牌文化特点 4

2.4 消费品牌定位战略相关理论 4

2.5 消费品品牌定位发展现状 4

2.6 海澜之家公司经营概况 5

2.6.1 海澜之家企业及产品概况分析 5

2.6.2 海澜之家公司资源及能力分析 5

2.6.3 海澜之家公司的经营情况分析 6

第三章 海澜之家品牌定位战略环境分析 7

3.1 海澜之家宏观环境分析 7

3.2 海澜之家波特竞争模型分析 7

3.2.1 同业竞争者分析 7

3.2.2 替代品威胁分析 7

3.2.3 潜在进入者威胁分析 7

3.2.4 供应商的讨价还价能力 7

3.2.5 购买者的讨价还价能力 8

3.3 海澜之家内部经营文化环境分析 8

3.3.1 海澜之家公司企业文化 8

3.3.2 海澜之家公司品牌定位战略分析 8

3.4 品牌文化营销战略SWOT分析 9

3.4.1 优势(S)分析 9

3.4.2 劣势(W)分析 9

3.4.3 机会(O)分析 9

3.4.4 威胁(T)分析 10

第四章 海澜之家公司品牌定位发展现状及问题分析 11

4.1 海澜之家品牌定位发展现状 11

4.2 海澜之家品牌定位存在的问题 11

5.1 加强品牌创新能力 12

5.2 完善品牌营销策略 12

5.3 实施多样化与一体化品牌战略 12

结 论 13

谢 辞 14

参考文献 15

第一章 绪  论

1.1 研究背景


1.2 研究内容


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