
 2023-02-15 09:09:31


摘 要





The Strategy Research of the Catering’ s Service Marketing:

A Grandma’ s Home Perspective


China is a country which thinks much of catering, therefore, the large-scale and potential catering market has attracted the attention of the international catering industry. After joining the WTO, the international catering industry has penetrated into the catering market in China. The Chinese catering industry is facing more fierce competition. Marketing is an important means for the catering industry to cope with international competition and enhance competitiveness. It is of great significance to us. At the same time, the reform of China"s catering industry is also deepening. The form of ownership of catering enterprises needs the support of modern management and marketing strategies will become one of the core competitiveness in the catering industry.

This study mainly uses the literature data method, comparative research method and logic analysis method, and combines theoretical knowledge of service marketing and marketing. The latest years, Catering industry is facing increasingly personalized consumers, brand characteristics are more prominent, green food is booming, chain catering business has become the main direction of the current situation.This article starts with the brand strategy, promotion strategy, product strategy, pricing strategy and channel strategy. Through case analysis, it conducts an empirical analysis of the catering service industry.

The research results show that the development of the catering industry must grasp the characteristics of the catering service industry and learn to apply the marketing strategy scientifically and reasonably to the day-to-day operation and management of the catering industry.

Keywords: Catering Industry; Service Marketing; Strategy Marketing; Research

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪 论 5

1.1 研究背景 5

1.2 研究的意义 5

1.3 研究思路及内容 5

1.4 论文框架 5

第二章 相关文献综述 7

第三章 连锁餐饮服务业概述 8

3.1 服务业的特点 9

3.1.1 服务业的无形性 9

3.1.2 服务业的不可存性 10

3.1.3 服务业的易变性 10

3.1.4 服务业的相互依存性 10

3.2 餐饮业在服务业中的层次界定 10

第四章 连锁餐饮业营销的现状与问题分析 12

4.1 连锁餐饮业营销的现状分析 12

4.1.1 食品消费快速增长 12

4.1.2 个性化消费日趋明显 12

4.1.3 绿色餐饮业兴起 12

4.1.4 连锁经营模式盛行 13

4.2 连锁餐饮业营销的问题分析 13

4.2.1 连锁餐饮品牌建设滞后 13

4.2.2 营销模式传统 13

4.2.3 营销人才匮乏 13

第五章 外婆家服务营销分析 14

5.1 外婆家服务营销优势分析 14

5.2 外婆家服务营销劣势分析 14

6.1 品牌策略 16

6.2 促销策略 16

6.2.1 优惠和赠品促销 16

6.2.2 连锁餐饮广告促销 16

6.3 产品策略 16

6.3.1 餐饮产品的质量要求 17

6.3.2 餐饮服务质量管理 17

6.4 定价策略 17

6.4.1 心理定价策略 17

6.4.2 折扣策略 17

6.4.3 差别定价策略 17

6.4.4 促销定价策略 18

6.5 渠道策略 18

6.5.1 门店布置 18

6.5.2 连锁经营 18

结 论 19

致 谢 20

参考文献(References) 21

第一章 绪 论

1.1 研究背景



1.2 研究的意义



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