
 2023-03-30 08:53:48


摘 要






Watson"s own-brand Marketing Strategy


In this paper, personal care store Watsons own brand marketing strategy as the object of study , and the method of case study in-depth analysis of the situation in detail various aspects of the project.

Watsons Your Personal Store Location : "Personal care experts ," reflects a more professional and personalized . Watson"s core spirit is professional caring and friendly . Friendly, kind and genial , happy service . Professional, knowledge-based and do our best . Caring, love line , the intentions of commitment. Future consumption trend of the market is more specialized and personalized, competitive retail formats is no longer a competitive price , but market segmentation competition. Watson"s market position not only follow the core spirit of Watson , also in line with trends in the consumer market , its own brand as one of Watson"s focus on development projects, but also to create the essence of the overall marketing strategy . As possible products, services , marketing and management more distinctive . At the same time , quick to seize external opportunities to seize market opportunities , establish its own brand brand image , so unique.

The project is from the perspective of its own brand marketing strategy out strategic analysis of the combination of theory , research the history and current development of its own brand , the advantages and disadvantages of Watson"s history and the present stage , the focus according to Watson"s own brand price strategy, distribution strategy , product strategy , marketing strategy a comprehensive analysis of Watson"s own brand marketing strategy, considering the final results based on these areas : combine their resources on existing strengths , differentiate their own brand products. As possible products, services , marketing and management more distinctive . At the same time , quick to seize external opportunities to seize market opportunities , establish its own brand brand image , so unique. Caring, love line , the intentions of commitment. Future consumption trend of the market is more specialized and personalized, competitive retail formats is no longer a competitive price , but market segmentation competition.

Finally, the paper summarizes part : Through the study of individual stores Watson own-brand marketing strategy to effectively reduce external risks and threats , the use of existing resources and capabilities within the enterprise , enhance the profitability of its own brand , to successfully carry out its own brand business.

Keywords: own-brand; Marketing strategy; Watson

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪 论 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2 研究意义 1

1.3 文献综述 1

1.4 本文的研究方法 2

第二章 自有品牌的概念及发展 3

2.1 自有品牌的基本概念 3

2.2 自有品牌的发展历史及现状 3

2.2.1 自有品牌的发展历史 3

2.2.2 自有品牌的现状 4

第三章 屈臣氏自有品牌现状分析 5

3.1 屈臣氏发展历史 5

3.2 经营现状分析 5

第四章 屈臣氏自有品牌营销策略分析 7

4.1 价格策略 7

4.1.1 商品开发成本优势 7

4.1.2 企业进货成本优势 7

4.1.3 销售成本优势 7

4.2 分销策略 8

4.2.1 渠道控制 8

4.2.2 连锁经营 9

4.3 产品策略 9

4.3.1 差异化的产品 9

4.3.2 良好的品牌形象 9

4.4 促销策略 10

4.4.1 促销模型 10

4.4.2 促销引导模式 10

第五章 屈臣氏自有品牌营销策略优劣势分析 11

5.1 屈臣氏自有品牌优势分析 11

5.1.1 合理的市场定位 11

5.1.2 合适的组织形式 11

5.1.3 独特的“体验营销” 11

5.2 屈臣氏自有品牌劣势分析 12

5.2.1管理的危机 12

5.2.2人才的匮乏 12

5.2.3品牌的过度透支 13

第六章 屈臣氏自有品牌营销策略对我国企业的启示 14

6.1 加强企业规模实力 14

6.2 强化生产控制能力 14

6.2.1 定点定牌监制生产 14

6.2.2 参股合营、控股兼并 14

6.2.3 独资加工 15

6.2.4 与市场优势品牌合作 15

6.3 采取有效的促销方式 15

6.4 完善人才培养机制 15

6.4.1 深化体制改革 15

6.4.2 建立培训选拔体系 16

致 谢 17

参考文献(References) 18

第一章 绪 论

1.1 研究背景


1.2 研究意义


1.3 文献综述

国内自主品牌在近几年才兴起的,与国外自有品牌相比,还相距甚远,整体的研究还停留在一般概念的解释。 20世纪90年代,“自有品牌的百货视角下的营销策略”中,陈国庆提出了自有品牌但从市场需求来看,有信誉,价格,降低消费者的选择成本的优点;“创造的商业品牌,走的道路的特色经营”认识到重要性,以打造自有品牌的零售建议零售业务,以保持市场地位,优秀的企业形象,走自己的品牌这一竞争策略;



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