摘 要
With the development of social productive forces, the living standard and purchasing power of the residents have also been greatly improved. In the furniture industry, the demand for personalized products is increased while the functionality, space utilization, design and personality of furniture products and so on also put forward higher requirements. This paper intends to solve the many problems in furniture industry by the perspective of visualization. The author divided the furniture customization visual information system into eight subsystems and then design and explain this subsystems. First we make a demand analysis and draw the business flow chart. And then explain the composition of the entire system, architecture and organizational relationships. And then describe the various subsystems of the introduction of the function and the image of the form of expression. Finally, we will show the summary and prospect of the whole paper. The goal of the current design is to solve the following three aspects: 1. Generally, It is difficult for users to describe their desire on their own furniture in color, material, style, size, price, touch, and so on. And supplier can not fully develop the user's real needs 2. The order is generally one-time, the user in some subtle aspects of the problem can not be real-time interaction with the furniture manufacturers 3. There is a trust problem between users and supplier. Therefore, this paper intends to use furniture customization as the research object, to design a visual information system program, user-centered, show the respect to users, to solve the furniture customization process, to fully expand and meet user needs, to make the real-time interaction, visual monitoring come true, to establish a closer connection for users and companies.
Keywords: information visualization, management information systems, requirements development, real-time interaction, visual surveillance
目 录
摘要 I
第一章 绪论 1
1.1研究背景与意义 1
1.2研究思路与方法 2
1.3本文的结构安排 2
第二章 文献综述 3
2.1国内文献回顾 3
2.2国外文献回顾 4
2.3文献述评 5
第三章 家具定制可视化信息系统需求分析 6
3.1可行性分析 6
3.1.1经济上的可行性: 6
3.1.2技术上的可行性 6
3.2业务需求 6
3.2.1背景描述:针对家具定制行业的初步调查 6
3.2.2业务需求/目标 7
3.3用户需求: 7
3.3.1用户类型的区分: 7
3.3.2用户角度的需求: 7
3.4系统需求: 8
3.4.1系统的总体目标(采用树枝因果图分析) 8
3.4.2系统的总体结构(系统范围的划定): 10
3.5功能需求 11
第四章 家具定制可视化信息系统总体方案设计 15
4.1用户登陆系统 15
4.2 3DVR虚拟现实展示系统 16
4.3家具认识系统 17
4.4家具设计系统 18
4.5制造系统 20
4.6反馈系统 21
4.7可视监控系统 22
4.8商业机密屏蔽系统 23
第五章 总结与展望 24
5.1研究总结 24
5.2研究展望 24
致 谢 25
参考文献 26
第一章 绪论