
 2022-04-15 19:43:09


摘 要





Due to the rapid growth of the number of domestic mutual internet users, the number of users of video websites has also risen. Revenue in China's video industry is also increasing year by year. However, the domestic online video websites represented by the head websites such as Tencent Video, Iqiyi and Youku Video are still Faced with difficulties in profitability and high debt. In view of the difficulty in profitability of video websites, this thesis focuses on the user's willingness model of video websites, and analyzes the factors related to the user's willingness to pay, so as to better guide the video website for improvement and development.

In this thesis, the user's willingness model for video websites mainly adopts methods such as literature analysis, questionnaire survey, and statistical analysis. Through the literature analysis, the behavioral model proposed by the scholars for the user payment model is studied. Based on this, combined with the multiple models proposed by the previous scholars, the user's willingness model for video websites is constructed. Then according to the model, the scale of questionnaire was created and distributed online. The collected questionnaires were processed and analyzed using SPSS and AMOS software. The hypothesis test of the previously proposed video website payment factors was made and the video website was obtained. Three suggestions in the development process are to reduce the difficulty of membership use, establish a negative feedback response mechanism, and maintain the size of the original paid membership. The innovations of this research are mainly focused on: 1) establishing a new user behavior model; 2) making the selection of the survey object more scientific while ensuring that the coverage is as large as possible.

KEY WORDS: WTP, Behavioral model,Path analysis,video site,AMOS

目 录

摘要 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………Ⅰ

Abstract ………………………………………………………………………………………………… Ⅱ

第一章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景 1

1.2研究目的与意义 2

1.3研究思路与方法 3

1.4研究创新点 4

第二章 文献综述 5

2.1用户行为模型 5

2.2视频网站付费市场现状 11

2.2.1国内外视频网站的概念与分类 11

2.2.2国内外视频网站付费模式 11

第三章 视频网站付费模型的构建 15

3.1模型假设 15

3.2问卷设计 17

第四章 数据分析与检验 19

4.1描述性统计分析 19

4.2信度与效度分析 20

4.3拟合度分析 24

4.4假设检验分析 26

4.5结构路径分析 28

第五章 结论 30

5.1研究结果分析与模型评价 30

5.1.1研究结果分析 30

5.1.2模型评价 31

5.2不足与展望 32




第一章 绪论




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