1、 黄浦江某化工码头扩建工程设计

 2022-07-02 10:07


摘 要





Design of a Chemical Wharf Extension Project in Huangpu River

21414128 LIU Ke

Supervised by MAO Liu-yan


The design of the terminal is located in the Huangpu River and the title is “Design of a Chemical Terminal Expansion Project in Huangpu River”. Its main content is the general layout and structural design of the port area.

The design of this terminal consists of three parts. The first is the graphic design, which aims at the natural conditions of the port area and the reasonable water area and land area for the existing dock equipment. The second part is the loading and unloading process design. The chemical dock has many pipes, so the loading and unloading process is mainly characterized by high automation. The third part is the selection of terminal structure. Because the terminal is a chemical terminal, it has the characteristics of small berth load and multiple transportation pipelines. After research and calculation, the beam-pile type high pile terminal was selected.

The wharf panel is a lamination board and is calculated as a one-way board. In this design, the longitudinal beam is considered as a rigid continuous beam and is calculated using the influence line method. The beam is considered as an elastically supported continuous beam and calculated according to the five-moment equation. In addition, the ultimate bearing capacity of the pile foundation was checked during calculation and the calculation results were in accordance with the design requirements. Finally, the drawings are drawn according to the drawing standards for the calculation results.

Key words: high pile wharf, loading and unloading technology, structure selection, calculation of reinforcement.


摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 设计背景 1

1.1 工程概述 1

1.2 设计任务 1

1.3 设计依据 1

第二章 工程条件 2

2.1 地质条件 2

2.2 水文条件 2

2.3 气象条件 2

2.3.1气温 2

2.3.2 降雨量 3

2.3.3 风向和风速 3

2.3.4 雷电 3

2.4 设计船型 3

第三章 总平面布置 4

3.1 总平面布置原则 4

3.2 水域布置 4

3.2.1 码头前沿设计水深 4

3.2.2 码头前沿设计高程、底高程 4

3.2.3 码头前沿停泊水域 4

3.2.4 回旋水域 4

3.2.5 泊位长度和码头长度 5

3.2.6 进港航道 5

3.2.7 锚地 6

3.3 陆域布置 6

3.3.1 陆域高程 6

3.3.2 堆(库)场布置 6

3.3.3 配套设施 6

3.4装卸工艺 7

3.4.1 装卸工艺流程设计 7

3.4.2 装卸机械选择 8

第四章 码头结构设计 9

4.1 结构选型 9

4.2 设计原则 9

4.3 码头构件布置 9

4.3.1 桩 9

4.3.2 桩帽 9

4.3.3 横梁 9

4.3.4 纵梁 10

4.3.5 面板与面层 10

4.3.6 靠船构件 10

4.4 码头结构布置 10

4.4.1 码头结构总尺度的确定 10

4.4.2 桩基布置 10

4.4.3 上部结构及其布置 10

4.4 码头荷载 12

4.4.1 基本自重 12

4.4.2堆货荷载 12

4.4.3 人群荷载 12

4.4.4 船舶荷载 12

4.4.5 风荷载 14

4. 5 面板计算 14

4.5.1 内力计算 14

4.5.2 配筋计算 21

4.5.3 斜截面承载力验算 24

4.5.4 正常使用极限状态裂缝宽度计算 24

4.5.5 吊运验算 25

4.5.6 吊环设计 25

4.6 纵梁计算 25

4.6.1 计算图式 26

4.6.2 计算跨度 26

4.6.3 计算荷载 27

4.6.4 作用效应分析 27

4.6.5 作用效应组合 32

4.6.6 配筋计算 34

4.6.7 支座裂缝宽度验算 36

4.7 横向排架计算 38

4.7.1 设计资料 38

4.7.2 荷载计算 42

4.7.3 内力计算 45

4.7.4 作用效应组合 66

4.7.5 横梁配筋与验算 71

4.7.6 桩的承载力验算 73

致谢 74

参考文献 75


1.1 工程概述

随着我国经济的发展,石化产品需求量越来越大,采用水路船舶运输越来越多,因为水路运输方式成本低、运量大,已成为石化产品运输的主要方式。而化工码头船舶作业过程中,装卸的介质大多是易挥发、易燃易爆石化产品,一旦泄漏,轻则造成污染环境,重则导致火灾爆炸,造成人员伤亡和财产损失。因此,应重视码头的安全工程,确保化工码头的安全。如果泊位紧张,不利于保证化工码头的安全性。本次毕业设计是根据所给基本资料,对黄浦江某化工公司原 102 米专用码头向上游扩建 68米,使其总长增至 170 米,从而改善危险品码头泊位紧张拥挤状况,促进港区区域经济的发展。


1.2 设计任务


1.3 设计依据



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