
 2023-03-25 18:03:16


摘 要



色谱法是在20世纪40、50年代得到理论和技术上的广泛发展,气相色谱法在石油、天然产物等各个领域有广泛的应用,60年代随着柱装填技术的进步以及高压输液泵的研制,使具有优良性能的液相色谱仪得到了商品化,这种分离效率高、分离速度快的液相色谱被称为高效液相色谱(high performance liquid chromatography,HPLC)。





Modern chromatography has over a hundred years of history, the Russian botanist Tswett there research on chromatographic separation methods on in 1901. Report "a new adsorption phenomenon and its application in biochemical analysis," the paper in 1903 Warsaw Natural Sciences Biology meeting.

This paper proposes a new method separation plant pigment adsorption principle, and recognize the value of this phenomenon on the chromatographic separation analysis. And he also is not called chromatography (chromatograph). 1907 Germany Biology conferences held his first to demonstrate the use of chromatographic separation plant pigment extract solution and display the column tube color ring with the 1931 Kuhn reference Tswett column chromatography, citing hypercapnia packed column is separated from the egg yolk in a plant lutein, after chromatography more widely used for the separation and analysis of organic and natural compounds.

Chromatography in the 1940s, 50s get extensive theoretical and technical development, gas chromatography in various fields of petroleum, natural products, which are widely used in the 1960s with the development of column packing technology advances and high-pressure infusion pump liquid chromatography, having excellent performance has been commercialized, high separation efficiency of this separation speed liquid chromatography is called HPLC (high performance liquid chromatography, HPLC).

As people"s living standards continue to improve, more and more attention to food quality, following the melamine milk scandal, people are increasingly concerned about the safety of dairy products, milk is rich in nutrients and trace elements, high nutritional value , especially for the growth and development of adolescents, and calcium crowd. According to statistics, China"s annual consumption of 40 million tons to milk, but because of the dairy cows need antibiotics to inhibit breast inflammation and other disorders often happens, control the amount of antibiotics is particularly important.

Milk scandal a few years ago greatly entire Chinese milk powder market volatility, when the Kjeldahl method due to technological backwardness, so many families suffer, and now more widespread use of high-performance liquid similar events but also to less occur.

Keywords:milk;HPLC;antibiotic residues


摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 引 言 1

1 .1牛奶中抗生素的来源以及危害 1

1.1.1 牛奶中抗生素的的来源 1

1.1.2牛奶中抗生素残留超限的危害 2

1.2几种广谱抗生素 2

1.2.1四环素类抗生素 2

1.2.2沙星类抗生素 2

1.2.3磺胺类抗生素 3

1.3当前的相应的快速检测技术及残留限量要求 3

1.3.1当前检测技术 3

1.3.2检测前处理 3

1.4部分农兽药残留限量 4

第二章 实验部分 6

2.1试剂与材料 : 6

2.2仪器与设备: 6

2.3样品处理 7

2.3.1前处理 7

2.3.2SPE净化 7

2.4图谱与分析 8

2.4.1实验图谱 8

2.4.2实验结果分析 10

2.4.3实验结果总结 10

致谢 12

参考文献 13

  1. 引 言




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