
 2022-06-28 22:58:21


摘 要






With the rapid development of economy and urbanization in the western plateau of China, the capacity of highway transportation has greatly improved. As a prerequisite for the development of economic and social of the western plateau, highway traffic play a very significant role in its transportation system, and largely provides support for the social and economic development. Influenced by the geological conditions of the plateau, the road alignment shows the characteristics of many bends, steep slopes and large height differences. Moreover, with the increase of altitude, the air get thinner. This will cause drivers become less sensitive, The inland speed model is no longer suitable for the plateau area. Therefore, the main purpose of this research is to put forward a speed model of highway tangent section where under low pressure and hypoxia condition, and to provide theoretical support for the design and application of highway in plateau area.

In this essay, the operating speed of vehicles in straight section of highway in plateau area is taken as the research object. The typical sections of highway in G318 and Larin freeway were selected, and the operating speed of large and small vehicles is investigated respectively. Using the inland operating speed model to predict the operating speed of the tangent section of the plateau area highway, it is found that the prediction error of the inland operating speed model is very large, and it is necessary to establish the operating speed optimization model for the plateau area. The premise of this study is established.

From the acceleration of typical straight line, the maximum and minimum accelerations are smaller than the recommended values of the inland acceleration, which indicates that the vehicle acceleration is greatly affected by the low-pressure hypoxia environment in the plateau. In order to optimize the operating speed model of highway straight-line section, the correlation analysis between acceleration and linear inlet velocity and expected velocity is carried out by using the mathematical statistical software SPSS21.0. The vehicle acceleration optimization model under low-pressure hypoxia environment in plateau is established, and the optimal speed model of highway straight section under low altitude hypoxia environment is deduced.

KEY WORDS: Plateau freeway; acceleration; operating speed; expecting speed; optimize

目 录

摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 6

1.1 研究背景 6

1.1.1 高原环境与内地有较大差异 6

1.1.2 高原经济特点 6

1.1.3 我国现行公路设计方法为设计速度法 6

1.1.4 高海拔地区车辆性能与内地有较大差异 6

1.2 研究目的和意义 6

1.2.2 研究意义 7

1.3 国内外文献综述 7

1.3.1 国外研究现状 7

1.3.2 国内研究现状 12

1.4 技术路线 15

第二章 青藏高原实地试验方案设计及数据处理 16

2.1 试验目的 16

2.2 试验道路 16

2.3 样本量的选取 17

2.4 试验仪器 18

2.5 运行速度调查 19

2.6 本章小结 19

第三章 高原低压缺氧环境下公路直线段运行速度模型的建立 20

3.1 实测数据描述性分析 20

3.1.1 小型车数据描述性分析 20

3.1.2 大型车数据描述性分析 22

3.2 相关性分析 24

3.3 期望速度的标定 25

3.3.1 期望速度的影响因素 25

3.3.2 期望速度的确定 26

3.4 基于SPSS非线性回归的小型车运行速度模型建立 28

3.4.1 非线性回归原理 28

3.4.2 林拉公路路段小型车运行速度模型回归分析 28

3.4.3 国道318路段小型车运行速度模型回归分析 32

3.4.4 国道318路段大型车运行速度模型回归分析 34

3.5 本章小结 35

第四章 模型有效性验证 37

4.1 单样本K-S检验 37

4.2 预测模型的验证 38

4.2.1 林拉公路小型车运行速度模型验证 38

4.2.2 G318路段小型车运行速度模型验证 39

4.2.3 G318路段大型车运行速度模型验证 39

4.3 本章小结 40

第五章 结论与展望 41

5.1 结论 41

5.2 主要创新点 42

5.3 研究的不足及下一步研究方向展望 42

致谢 43

参考文献 44






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