
 2022-08-03 10:07:09


摘 要



学号:21713320 学生姓名:肖金旭








During the past 25 years , China's road design has been more and more inseparable from the computer software technology, its appearance makes the road design more convenient and quicker. The emergence of computer road software greatly liberated the design staff, so that designers can spend more time on road design and adjustment, meanwhile it has avoided a lot of complicated and complicated repetitive work. In particular is the interchangeable three-dimensional cross design, because it contains multiple races of the interaction, so the design is very complicated and perplexd, and this time the advantages of computer road software is reflected, thus laying out the computer software in the interchange design vital position.

Interchangeable three-dimensional cross is a form of three-way cross-road, in order to take the trunk road between the traffic road conversion. The interchangeable three-dimensional design level directly determines the design level of a whole highway, so the design of the road to the vertical and horizontal three aspects to be comprehensive and detailed consideration. While taking into account the external factors, such as to protect the environment as much as possible, reduce costs, to achieve the level of engineering design and economic benefits to maximize.

On the basis of the design specification, this paper designs the design of the high-speed Wanshi hub in the southern part of Suzhou-Wuxi-Changzhou through the integrated interactive road and interchange design software of EICAD, and makes full use of the software advantages of EICAD to realize the reasonable design of the Wan Shi hub. And the design process and the concept of fully demonstrated.

Keywords: EICAD ; Interchangeable three-dimensional cross ; Flat and vertical design ; Overall engineering design.

目 录

摘要 I

Abstract I

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 1

1.3 国内外道路CAD技术应用 2

1.4 本课题研究的主要内容 2

第二章 万石枢纽的建设条件 3

2.1 项目区域规划 3

2.2 项目区域路网现状、规划与拟建项目的关系 4

2.3 沿线自然地理条件 6

2.3.1 地形地貌 6

2.3.2 气象 6

2.3.3 水文 7

2.3.4 区域地质构造 7

2.3.5 水文地质条件 7

2.4 交通组成特点对项目的影响 7

2.5 沿线土地资源状况及对项目的影响 8

第三章 万石枢纽立交方案设计 9

3.1 方案选址 9

3.1.1 方案位置 9

3.1.2 锡宜高速(万石枢纽段)现状 9

3.1.3 锡宜高速(万石枢纽段)改扩建的条件 10

3.2 工程方案设计 10

3.2.1 立体交叉的总体布局 11

3.2.2 立交方案 11

3.3 方案比选 12

第四章 万石枢纽立交初步设计 15

4.1 设计原则 15

4.2 方案的主要技术指标 15

4.3 平面设计 16

4.3.1 立交形式的选用 16

4.3.2 平面技术指标 16

4.3.3 关于预留八车道的设计 16

4.4 纵断面设计 17

4.4.1 路线纵断面设计原则 17

4.4.2 高程设计 17

4.4.3 纵断面技术指标 19

4.5 桥梁配跨设计 19

4.6 横断面设计 20

4.6.1 各道路横断面形式选用 20

4.6.2 横断面带帽设计 21

4.7 景观绿化设计 23

4.8 小结 24

第五章 万石枢纽立交初步设计 25

5.1 设计体会 25

5.2 毕设实践体会 25

致谢 26

参考文献 27

第一章 绪论




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