
 2022-08-20 20:00:42


摘 要




关键词:排水性沥青混合料 空隙率 渗透系数 达西定律

Void structure permeability test of porous asphalt mixture

Name: Chen Yao Student ID: 21011215

Tutor: Zhang Fan


Permeability coefficient is regarded as an important indicator of mixture penetration, and it has many factors including the mix porosity, connected porosity and maximum aggregate size. This paper studies the drainage capacity of porous mixture, it is necessary to use the improved permeability tester to perform experiments on permeability coefficient, and the use of the experimental data to measure the impact of these factors on the permeability and to achieve the final regression relationship is also important.

To achieve the purpose of the experiment, you first need to design mix gradation. We can use existing theory to design mix gradation depending on the target porosity and test the mix porosity. According to the results,we can adjust the gradation to form specimens whose porosity is between 15% and 25%.Then we can go on for subsequent experiments. Using Reynolds number,we can find the data that it’s liquid state is laminar flow.Then,we can use data to determine the permeability coefficient of linear fit.All the data will be fitted according to Forchheimer formula to testify that the device is reasonable.Having permeability coefficient,we can analyze the relationship between porosity, connectivity porosity and permeability coefficient and find that the three were tested linear fit.

Due to the complication of rainwater drainage flow pattern, so we need to research on the change values for k when the liquid’s state is under non-laminar flow conditions. At the same time, it can be seen from the data scatter plot, some data in the area of low hydraulic gradient section violates the Darcy's law, based on the theory of low permeability and the data we can make primary analysis.

Key words: porous asphalt mixture; porosity ;connected porosity; permeability; Darcy's law


摘 要 I

第一章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景及意义 1

1.2排水性沥青路面的结构 2

1.3国内外研究现状 2

1.4研究内容 3

第二章 渗流理论基础与方案设计 5

2.1土壤孔隙与岩石裂缝中的渗流 5

2.2排水性沥青混合料中的渗流 6

2.3实验方案设计 7

第三章 排水性沥青混合料组成设计 8

3.1排水性沥青混合料级配组成设计方法 8

3.2油石比计算方法 9

3.3确定实验用级配与油石比 9

3.4试件成型与空隙率测定 10

3.5本章小节 12

第四章 渗透实验操作与数据处理 13

4.1实验仪器简介与操作介绍 13

4.2实验原始数据 14

4.3实验数据初步处理 19

4.4实验数据初步拟合 24

4.5非层流状态下的k值变化 27

4.6本章小节 29

第五章 渗透系数的确定与分析 30

5.1雷诺数的确定 30

5.2散点图及图样分析 31

5.3渗透系数确定 38

5.4空隙率与连通空隙率关系拟合 40

5.5渗透系数与空隙率以及连通空隙率的拟合 41

5.6本章小节 43

第六章 结论与展望 44

6.1实验结论 44

6.2不足与展望 45

致谢 46

参考文献(Reference) 47

第一章 绪论





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