
 2022-09-01 17:49:02


摘 要




关键词:立体交叉 交通枢纽 平纵横 三维建模


In the network, fly-over crossing plays a role of traffic hub with function of the passage of a large number of traffic flow and vehicle turning movement. At the same time, it is also an important facility for highway and road for automobiles controlling vehicles and charging. In the construction of highway network, the design of interchange is directly related to the rationality of the layout of the entire network, and also directly affect the quality of design of the entire road, plays an irreplaceable role of distributary, interflow and forming a connecting link between the preceding and the following.

Interchange is designed to work as compared to the general road construction more complex design work includes the main line and a plurality of bit lines are arranged between the ramp, a combination of vertical and horizontal level issues, calculation and mapping work great for CAD-aided design high software requirements, road design assistant software in the early stages only assisted calculation can not be done assisted mapping, software developers through their hard work, and now the road design software has assisted to achieve full automation aided design, including computational domain mapping, greatly improving the accuracy and efficiency of the design.

This paper comprehensively analyzes the engineering background and design standards of the East-West Road Hub of Hangzhou Liuxiang Road, and summarizes the relevant theories of the design of the hub. By comparing the two schemes of the East-West Road Hub, the turbo type with the best traffic ability and linear index is selected and the design of Hangzhou Liuxiang Road East and West Road Hub was carried out by DPX. The design methods of flat, vertical and horizontal are summarized and the three-dimensional modeling of road was carried out. The results have implications for road industry professionals in designing cloverleaf hubs which can greatly improve the design efficiency and quality of design.

Keywords: Fly-over crossing; Transportation hub; Plane-Vertical-Transect; 3d modeling

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 概 述 1

1.1 工程概况 1

1.2 项目背景 1

1.3 设计标准 2

第二章 东西大道枢纽沿线现状 6

2.1 路线设计 6

2.1.1 路线设计原则 6

2.1.2 路线平面线形布设 6

2.1.3 路线纵断面线形设计 7

2.1.4 安全性分析及评价 7

2.2 交通安全设施和标志标线 7

2.2.1 安全护栏 7

2.2.2 视线诱导设施 8

2.2.3 有待解决的问题 8

2.3路基横断面布设及加宽超高方式 8

第三章 总体设计 10

3.1 项目设计指导思想和原则 10

3.1.1 项目设计指导思想及原则 10

3.1.2 总体设计原则 10

3.2 相关标准及指标 11

3.2.1 技术标准 11

3.2.2 主要技术指标的采用情况 11

3.3 路线总体设计方案 12

3.4 安全设计措施 13

第四章 路线交叉设计及方案比选 14

4.1 设计原则 14

4.1.1 互通式立交设计原则 14

4.1.2 平面交叉设计原则 14

4.2 技术标准采用情况 14

4.2.1 互通式立体交叉 14

4.2.2 平面交叉 16

4.2.3 路线交叉的分布及设置概况 16

4.3 立交方案说明及方案比选 16

第五章 杭州留祥路东西大道枢纽初步设计 22

5.1 平面设计 22

5.1.1平面线位设计 22

5.1.2立交匝道线位设计 23

5.2 纵断面设计 24

5.3 桥梁配跨 26

5.4 横断面设计 26

5.5 东西大道枢纽三维建模 28

5.6 本章小结 30

第六章 结 语 32

6.1 设计体会 32

6.2 DPX软件应用体会 32

参考文献(References): 34

致 谢 35

第一章 概 述

1.1 工程概况



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