
 2022-01-24 16:18:15


摘 要





关键词: 黑棉土 膨胀土 物理力学性质 边坡稳定性分析 ABAQUS 地基处理

STUDY ON THE experimental application of black cotton soil in eastern africa


Black cotton soil is a special soil, which is distributed mainly in Ethiopia, Kenya, Sudan, Cameroon, Nigeria, and India. The reason it is so called is that the color of it is black and it is sutiable for cotton to grow. When water content of the soil increases, it swells;When water content decreases, it shrinks. The volume keeps changing when the humidity rolling up and down, causing road construction problem easily. Compared with expansive soils in China, Black cotton soils in eastern Africa appears to have a smaller natural density and dry density.Meanwhile,it has a bigger natural void ratio and it contains organtic matter. In addition,the evaporation is excessive and the rainfall is concentrated in Africa. All of these factors make it impossible for us to copy the domestic general methods treating expansive soil to deal with the Black cotton soils.

By the African local research and experimenting on the soil samples, this paper examines the basic mineral composition, basic hydronium content and microstructure of Black cotton soils,which mainly involves mineral properties.After that, the paper examines hte Critical moisture content, particle size composition and free swelling ratio of Black cotton soils, which mainly involves engineering properties. Then, the soil - water characteristic curve of Black cotton soils is predicted. Based on the work above, this paper tires to classfy the black cotton soils.

Faced with the engineering problems in slope instability of Black cotton soils, this paper tries to model the typical eastern African embankment by using ABAQUS. By simulating the actual rainfall and evaporation condition, the slope stability is studied. In this section, it starts with brifly introducing basic theories of analyzing slope stabilities, which includes Unsaturated Soil Strength Theory, Strength Reduction Theory, Fluid - solid Coupling Theory. Then the application of these theories in ABAQUS is analyzed.

In the last section, based on the simulation analysis above, this paper makes comparison and recommendation of different foundation treatment measures dealing with Black cotton soils in eastern Africa.

KEYWORDS: Black cotton soils Expansive soils Physical and mechanical properties Slope Stability Analysis ABAQUS Foundation Treatment


东部非洲黑棉土应用试验研究 I

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 项目研究的背景与意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状与趋势 1

1.3 现场调研 3

1.4 主要研究内容与技术路线 5

1.4.1 研究内容 5

1.4.2 技术路线 6

第2章 黑棉土基本物理力学性能 7

2.1 矿物性质 7

2.1.1 X光衍射分析 7

2.1.2 理化分析 8

2.1.3 扫描电镜分析 8

2.2 工程性质 10

2.2.1 界限含水率 10

2.2.2 颗粒组成分析 10

2.2.3 自由膨胀率试验 11

2.3 土水特征曲线及预测 11

2.3.1 土水特征曲线理论 11

2.3.2 预测土水特征曲线 12

第3章 边坡稳定性分析 14

3.1 非饱和土强度理论 14

3.1.1 饱和土与非饱和土 14

3.1.2 非饱和土强度 14

3.2 边坡稳定性分析基本方法 15

3.2.1 条分法 15

3.2.2 极限分析法 15

3.2.3 数值分析法 15

3.3 边坡稳定性分析中的强度折减法 15

3.3.1 强度折减法概述 15

3.3.2 强度折减法在ABAQUS中的应用 16

3.4 流固耦合理论 16

3.4.1 流固耦合概述 16

3.4.2 流固耦合在ABAQUS中的应用 17

第4章 实例分析 19

4.1 问题描述 19

4.1.1 概述 19

4.1.2 边界条件 20

4.2 降雨入渗前初始状态 21

4.2.1 孔压分布 21

4.2.2 饱和度分布 21

4.2.3 竖向有效应力 22

4.3 瞬态降雨入渗分析 22

4.3.1 入渗模型 22

4.3.2 孔压分布 23

4.3.3 位移与沉降 24

4.3.4 塑性变形区 25

4.3.5 降雨模式对边坡稳定性的影响 26

第5章 总结 27

5.1 主要结论 27

5.2 不足与展望 27

参考文献 29

致谢 31





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