摘 要
2015年12月1日起,我国开始实行《公路桥涵设计通用规范》(JTG D60-2015),同时废止原《公路桥涵设计通用规范》(JTG D60-2004),按旧规范设计的桥梁各力学性能可能无法满足新规范的要求。本文结合明湖东桥的桥梁实例探讨了公路桥梁新旧规范的差异,并通过按新旧规范对明湖东桥进行验算,研究按旧规范设计的桥梁其上下部结构是否能满足新规范要求。
The Recheck of the Structure of Ming Hu Dong Bridge Based on the New Code
Since December 1, 2015, China began to implement the “General Code for Design of Highway Bridge and Culverts” (JTG D60-2015), while repealed the original “General Code for Design of Highway Bridge and Culverts” (JTG D60-2004), bridges designed according to the old code may not meet the requirements of the new code. This paper explores the differences between the new code and the old code, and check if the Ming Hu Dong Bridge which is designed under the old code can meet the requirements of the new code.
This paper checks the Ming Hu Dong Bridge according to the old and the new code, calculating the superstructure by finite-element method and the substructure manually, and the results show that the bridge’s load capacity can meet the requirements of the old code, while some cannot meet the requirements of the new one. When calculating the superstructure and the capping beams, the load capacity is equal under the new and old code, and design values calculated by new code are greater than the old code’s design values, which indicates that new code has more stringent requirements on the superstructure and the capping beams. In the calculation of foundation piles, the values of allowable bearing capacity of axial compression and bearing capacity of the plane perpendicular to the bending moment are equal between new and old codes, while the design values under new code are larger than those under old code; the values of bearing capacity in the plane of bending moment are equal between new and old codes, while some of the design values under new code are larger than those under old code, some of them are smaller.
Overall, new code has more stringent requirements on limit state and normal use state of bearing capacity, which can help improve the durability of bridges.
Keywords: design specifications, design values, load capacity, use state, Midas
摘要 I
Abstract II
1 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 国内桥梁规范的发展和研究现状 2
1.3 本文主要研究目的和内容 3
2 15年新规范的主要修订内容 4
2.1 公路桥涵设计原则 4
2.2设计使用年限和耐久性要求 4
2.3 作用组合分类及计算方法 4
2.4 汽车荷载标准 5
3 明湖东桥桥梁实例 6
3.1 明湖东桥桥梁设计资料 6
3.1.1 工程概述 6
3.1.2 技术要求 6
3.1.3 主要材料 7
3.2 斜桥正作 7
4 桥梁上部结构计算 8
4.1 Midas计算模型 8
4.1.1 定义材料和截面特性 8
4.1.2 建立结构模型 9
4.1.3 输入边界条件 10
4.1.4 输入荷载 11
4.1.5 定义施工阶段 11
4.1.6建模中新旧规范不同点 12
4.2 新旧规范计算结果及对比 12
4.2.1 持久状况承载能力极限状态验算[14] 12
4.2.2 应力验算 13
4.2.3 抗裂性验算 14
4.2.4 挠度验算 15
5 桥梁下部结构计算 16
5.1 桥墩1#盖梁计算 17
5.1.1 按照旧规范验算 17
5.1.2 按照新规范验算 18
5.2 桥墩2#盖梁计算 20
5.2.1 按照旧规范验算 20
5.2.2 按照新规范验算 21
5.3 桥台3#盖梁计算 23
5.3.1 按照旧规范验算 23
5.3.2 按照新规范计算 24
5.4 桥梁墩柱计算 25
5.5 桩基承台计算 26
5.6 桩基计算 26
5.6.1 桩基计算 26
5.6.2 桩内力及位移计算 29
5.6.3 承载力验算 33
5.7 下部结构计算结果分析 35
5.7.1 盖梁计算结果分析 35
5.7.2 承台桩基计算结果对比分析 37
6 结论与展望 38
6.1 结论 38
6.2 展望 38
参考文献 39
致谢 40
1 绪论
1.1 研究背景