
 2022-07-13 19:48:10


摘 要





In recent years, urbanization has been accelerating and new urban areas and suburbs have developed rapidly. At the same time, some questions are aroused. For instance, the transportation infrastructure in the new urban areas and suburbs is not yet perfect, and residents in the new urban areas or suburban areas have scattered trips and long travel times. The characteristics of the residents who are in the expanded new urban area are significantly different from those of the old city. In order to ensure social fairness and enhance the level of travel services for residents in the new urban areas or suburban areas, it is necessary to study the travel characteristics of new urban areas and suburban residents to provide the construction of transport facilities and the formulation of traffic policies, and provide a basis for building residents' travel characteristics model under information conditions.

The characteristics of the residents' travel time in the new urban area or suburb are mainly studied in this paper. Firstly, the concept of urban suburbs and new districts and the basic theory of residents' travel are introduced. Then, a typical urban new district is selected as the research object, and the characteristics of the residents according to the data obtained from the residents' travel survey are given, including personal characteristics, family characteristics and travel characteristics for analysis and focusing on analyzing the distribution characteristics of residents’ travel time. On this basis, select 6:30-7:30, 7:30-8:30, 8:30-9:30 and travel time of independent variables and dependent variables such as occupation, age, mode of travel, purpose of travel, etc. And build multivariate logistic regression model and the decision tree model using SPSS and analyze the outcomes. The former uses multiple logistic regressions to establish a discrete model at departure time, including variable selection, parameter calibration, and result analysis. The goal is to study the effects of different residents' characteristics on departure time selection behavior. The latter establishes rules-based the decision tree model and uses the CHAIN decision tree algorithm to analyze the departure time selection. Finally, the departure time selection forecast is performed according to the residents' trip characteristics. The results of both models show that career is the most significant factor influencing residents' departure time. By comparing the above two models, it can be seen that in this research, using the decision tree method to establish the departure time selection model has better prediction accuracy.

KEY WORDS: new urban area or suburb, departure time selection, multiple logistic regression models, decision tree


摘要 Ⅰ

Abstract Ⅱ

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景与意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 1

1.2.1 城市新区和郊区的居民特征 1

1.2.2 出发时刻预测模型 2

1.3 研究内容及技术路线 3

1.3.1 研究内容 3

1.3.2 技术路线 3

第二章 相关理论介绍 5

2.1 城市新区或郊区相关理论 5

2.1.1 空间扩张与城市新区 5

2.1.2 城市郊区 5

2.2 居民出行时间特征 5

2.2.1 出行的定义 6

2.2.2 可达性与职住平衡 6

2.2.3 居民出行特征 7

2.3 本章小结 9

第三章 居民出行时间特性分析 10

3.1 居民出行调查 10

3.2 个人及家庭特性分析 11

3.2.1 家庭特性分析 11

3.2.2 个人特性分析 12

3.3 出行特性分析 12

3.3.1 出行时耗和出行距离分析 12

3.3.2 出行时间分布规律 13

3.3.3 出行次数分析 15

3.3.4 出行目的分析 15

3.3.5 出行方式分析 16

3.4 本章小结 17

第四章 出发时刻离散选择模型 18

4.1 出行行为分析理论 18

4.2 Logistic回归 18

4.3 利用Logistic回归建立出发时刻选择模型 18

4.3.1 模型参数 19

4.3.2 结果分析 19

4.4 本章小结 24

第五章 基于规则的居民出发时间选择——决策树法 25

5.1 决策理论 25

5.2 决策树算法 25

5.2.1 CHAID方法 25

5.2.2 CRT方法 26

5.3 模型建立 26

5.4 结果分析 26

5.5 本章小结 28

第六章 结论与展望 29

6.1 研究成果 29

6.2 研究展望 29

致谢 30

参考文献 31

第一章 绪论

1.1 研究背景与意义



1.2 国内外研究现状

1.2.1 城市新区和郊区的居民特征



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