
 2022-08-15 09:24:16


摘 要



21013110 桂航

指导教师 李大韦




关键词: 交通事故;城市背景数据;空间面板数据分析

Correlation analysis of city background data and traffic crash

21013110 GUI Hang

Supervised by LI da-wei


As China's national strength continues to grow, the government has begun to pay attention to the basic necessities of life and other basic problems. One of the important issues is the traffic safety problem. Although China has been in many years before the start of the traffic accident control, and achieved some success, but the traffic accident is still an important security issues to the city residents. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the relationship between traffic accidents and urban background data. It aims to provide a better model for China's traffic accidents and make relevant suggestions for improving traffic accidents.

I have completed the following work: First, the collection and collation of large amounts of data. Since the large number of city background data needed in this paper is derived from the annual statistical yearbook of the China Statistical Office, the most important thing is to manually organize the relevant statistical data from the network into the office table for subsequent use. And then the establishment of the model, because the spatial panel data analysis of the theoretical content is not much, I put a lot of energy in the study of basic spatial panel analysis. A suitable model is obtained by combining the large amount of urban background data with the data of traffic accidents in the urban traffic accident white paper. In order to find the appropriate model and significant urban background data, I continue debugging of data and models, and finally get a significant and appropriate for the traffic accident space panel data model. Some of the data presented with the results of my previous judgment is consistent, some data is presented on the two explanatory variables of different effects, some data and the expected results of the exact opposite.

Key words: Traffic crash; City background data; Spatial panel data anylisis


摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 概述 1

1.1 研究目的与意义 1

1.2 文献综述 1

1.2.1.交通事故模型的建模 1

1.2.2.交通事故发生率与经济增长之间的关系 2

1.2.3.交通事故发生率的影响因素 2

1.3 研究思路 3

第二章 城市背景数据的统计分析 4

2.1交通事故的统计规律 4

2.2 城市背景数据的统计分析 5

2.2.1 人口经济发展状况 5

2.2.2 其他数据 7

2.3本章小结 9

第三章 面板数据分析的基本理论 10

3.1 无空间影响的面板数据分析 10

3.2 空间面板数据分析方法 10

3.2.1 空间权重矩阵 10

3.2.2 空间截面模型的设定 11

3.2.3模型的检验与模型的选择 11

3.3本章小结 12

第四章 空间面板数据分析 13

4.1 数据描述 13

4.2 处理方法 14

4.2.1 模型建立 14

4.2.2模型假设 14

4.3 本章小结 16

第五章 结果与讨论 17

5.1模型结果 17

5.2 模型的讨论 19

5.3模型的缺点 20

5.4 政策建议 21

致谢 23

参考文献 24






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