
 2022-06-30 22:57:15


摘 要







With the continuous development of the city, the size of the city is getting larger, the population and the population density of the city are getting higher and higher, and the demand for transportation is also increasing. In this case, it is necessary to reasonably determine some problems in the construction and design of transportation, guide people's transportation to travel, and solve the problem of transportation supply and demand. It is necessary to scientifically evaluate the travel costs of urban residents and to set a series of travel modes. The pricing of travel mode must first of all make reasonable comparison and calibration of people’s travel time value.

Based on the investigation of SP at home and abroad, this paper compares and analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of various survey design methods, and selects a reasonable questionnaire design method and survey method. The theory of time value was comprehensively studied. The method of calculating the travel time value in this survey was determined using the disaggregate model. Based on the logistics model theory, a value model of urban residents' travel time was established and the impact factors were studied in depth.

Subsequently, using the binomial logistic model, the parameters in the travel time value model were calibrated to determine the travel time value of Nanjing citizens of different incomes. Reasonable assumptions were made for other influencing factors, and the value of travel time values of people under the characteristics of other factors with significant influence was compared.

KEY WORDS: SP survey, Value of Time, logistics model, Experimental Design


摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 3

1.1 研究背景和意义 3

1.2 国内外研究综述 3

1.2.1 国外研究历程 3

1.2.2 国内研究历程 2

1.3 主要研究内容 3

1.4 研究路线 4

第二章 调查方案设计 5

2.1 SP调查与RP调查综述 5

2.2 SP调查与RP调查的比较 5

2.3 SP调查的方法 6

2.4 调查方案设计 6

2.4.1 方案设计原则 6

2.4.2 SP调查项目 7

2.4.3 情境组合设计 7

2.5 实施调查手段 8

2.6 本章小结 9

第三章 城市居民出行时间价值理论 10

3.1 时间价值概述 10

3.1.1 时间价值基本理论及分类 10

3.1.2 时间价值的特点 10

3.1.3 出行时间价值的影响因素 11

3.2 时间价值的计算方法 11

3.3 本章小结 14

第四章 城市居民出行时间价值模型 15

4.1 出行时间价值研究模型 15

4.1.1 Probit模型概述 15

4.1.2 logistics模型 15

4.2 二项logistics模型 16

4.2.1 二项logistics模型概述 16

4.2.2 建立在logistics模型基础上的出行时间价值模型 16

4.3 纳入连续型变量的模型 18

4.4 本章小结 19

第五章 南京市居民出行时间价值调查与数据分析 20

5.1 调查实施 20

5.1.1 对于不同因子的假设 20

5.1.2 调查对象及问卷发放回收 20

5.2 数据描述与分析过程 21

5.3 南京市居民出行时间价值标定 23

5.3.1 不同收入人群的出行时间价值标定 23

5.3.2 其他不同特征人群的出行时间价值大小比较 25

5.4 本章小结 30

第六章 结论与展望 32

6.1 论文总结 32

6.2 研究展望 33

致谢 35

参考文献 36

附录 38





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