
 2023-02-20 08:31:53


摘 要





With the rapid development of China"s economy, the continuous improvement of people"s material life, coupled with the accelerated pace of social development, will bring people"s desire to speed up the efficiency of transport. Therefore, passengers are more willing to have an efficient transport system. Bear the brunt of Nanjing"s urban business card - NanJing Railway Station. As a large transport hub in Nanjing, in the vicinity of the NanJing Railway Station has a large number of traffic. This paper conforms to the needs of the optimization of the passenger flow organization, and actively understand the feasibility and importance of optimizing the organization of passenger flow.

First of all, I survey the infrastructure of the NanJing Railway Station and the basic information of the passenger flow, including the geographical location of the infrastructure, such as the nature of the surrounding land. Passenger information and traffic characteristics were analyzed, based on present research train of thought of this paper, the analysis and summary of the station and passenger flow organization optimization problems, the research inside and outside the station, passenger flow organization optimization feasibility and improvements to the existing passenger flow organization, for the passenger provide a more efficient transport system.

Keywords:NanJing Railway Station;inside and outside the station;optimizing the organization of passenger flow;more efficient transport system


第一章 概述 1

1.1研究背景 1

1.1.1国内外研究现状 1

1.1.2研究的目的和意义 3

1.2技术路线 3

第二章 南京站交通调查 4

2.1南京站基础信息调查 4

2.1.1南京站地理位置调查 4

2.1.2南京站周边用地性质调查 5

2.2南京站站内设施调查 6

2.2.1南京站南站房站内基础设施调查 7

2.2.2南京站二层站内基础设施调查 8

2.2.3南京站北站房站内基础设施调查 9

2.2.3南京站南北站房衔接 11

2.3南京站站外基础设施调查 12

2.3.1南京站地铁进出口位置调查 12

2.3.2南京站公交调查 13

2.3.3南京站附近住宿调查 16

2.3.4南京站周边道路情况调查 17

2.4乘客特性调查 18

2.4.1乘客出行方式调查 18

2.4.2站内外客流分布情况调查 19

第三章 南京站交通特性分析 22

3.1交通方式分析 22

3.1.1地铁服务分析 22

3.1.2出租车服务分析 23

3.2交通基础设施服务分析 23

3.2.1站内交通基础设施分析 23

3.2.2站外交通基础设施分析 24

3.3南京站南北广场交通衔接分析 24

3.3.1南京站南北广场地铁衔接分析 24

3.3.2南京站南北广场道路衔接分析 25

3.3.3南京站南北广场站内衔接 25

第四章 南京站客流组织优化方案设计 26

4.1站内交通组织、指示优化 26

4.1.1地铁南京站指示标志优化 26

4.1.2南京站二层指示标志优化 26

4.1.3出租车指示标志优化 26

4.2站外交通组织、指示优化 26

4.2.1出站客流组织优化 26

4.2.2进站客流组织优化 28

4.3.3外部道路交通衔接方式优化 29

致谢 31

参考文献 32

第一章 概述






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