
 2023-02-26 18:11:31


摘 要







Railway train operation dispatching system is the core of the railway scheduling command system, it is to ensure secure and stable operation of the railway train, the important system. This article will focus on around railway train operation dispatching system of "man - machine ring structure, risk source recognition as the main purpose from the system analysis, summary of identification method and risk hierarchy and comprehensive evaluation of railway train operation scheduling system risk source is identified.

First according to the research literature and data of railway train operation dispatching system for system analysis, specific to its composition, structure, characteristics and related machinery and equipment, and environmental factors, and then combine each small part to do a comprehensive analysis in detail.

Secondly, in this paper, the commonly used risk source recognition methods to carry on the overview and summary, including the definition of risk source, the purpose of risk source recognition, etc., combining the characteristics of railway train operation dispatching system, choose the risk source identification method of the system. Then according to the selection of risk source recognition method, from "man - machine - ring" three risk source for railway train operation dispatching system from the Angle of qualitative analysis.

Finally, according to our country"s railway train operation dispatching system in each category of risk source, from "man - machine - ring" three angles, detailed examples, summarized according to the example again to the cause of the accident and the cause of the accident risk source category detailed analysis, finally, analyzing the risk source make reasonable supervision and prevention.

Keywords: railway train operation dispatching system; Risk source recognition; System analysis; Analysis of risk source factors.

Keywords: railway train operation dispatching system; Risk source recognition; System analysis; Risk source factor analysis


摘要 IV

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 选题背景 1

1.2 国内外现状 1

1.3 研究内容及意义 1

1.4技术路线 2

第二章 铁路行车组织调度系统分析 3

2.1 铁路行车组织调度的含义及作用 3

2.2 铁路调车工作的要求 3

2.3 调车作业方法 4

2.3.1 牵出线调车作业方法 4

2.3.2 驼峰调车作业方法 5

第三章 风险管理 6

3.1 风险基本概念及特性 6

3.2 风险管理的定义及作用与意义 6

3.3 风险源识别与分类 7

3.3.1 风险源识别概述 7

3.3.2 风险源信息的获取方法与实施 7

3.3.3 风险源分类 7

3.3.4 风险源的识别步骤 9

3.4 风险因素等级划分 9

第四章 铁路行车组织风险源识别与分析 11

4.1 铁路行车组织风险源定性 11

4.1.1 机电设备 11

4.1.2 人员角度 11 行车组织人员的不安全行为 11 不安全的监管 12

4.1.3 环境角度 12 自然环境 12 社会环境 13 行车组织调度人员的工作环境 13

4.2铁路运营安全风险管理指导流程 13

第五章 铁路行车组织案例分析 15

5.1 人员因素风险源案例分析 15

5.2 机电设备因素风险源案例分析 15

5.3 环境因素风险源案例分析 17

第六章 结论与展望 19

致谢 20

参考文献 21

第一章 绪论

1.1 选题背景


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