
 2022-10-26 11:10


摘 要



Research on User Satisfaction Mode of Traffic Travel Sharing Economy Platform


The era of shared economic Internet information, based on the emerging business model of mass service or idle item sharing. In the ever-changing social tide, the rapid growth and successful transformation achieved under the normal development of China's new economy have played a positive role in the development of the sharing economy. The emergence of the Internet in the 21st century and the rapid development of wireless communication technologies, the continuous improvement of supporting facilities, and the increasing updating of technical means have promoted the development of the Internet. From the transportation, accommodation, catering, and housekeeping services of daily life to the fields of finance and agricultural production, future shared production will be one of the key development directions. In China, the rapid development of the sharing economy, in place of its supervision, can be managed in a variety of ways, by strengthening supervision, building a safety network, and establishing a sound credit system to regulate and constrain his development. We will study the significance of the shared economic background, the mobile phone taxi software users' satisfaction survey on the traffic travel sharing economic platform, the user satisfaction analysis of the traffic travel sharing economic platform, and the development strategy of the traffic travel sharing taxi platform. Summarize the article.

Keywords: Sharing economy; transportation trips; satisfaction


摘 要 I

Abstract I

第一章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景 1

1.2研究意义 1

1.3研究主要内容 2

1.4研究框架 2

第二章 文献综述 3

2.1共享经济的概念和特征 3

2.1.1共享经济的概念 3

2.1.2共享经济的特征 3

2.1.3共享经济的研究现状 4

2.2交通出行类软件用户满意度文献综述 5

2.2.1国外满意度的相关理论和模型 5

2.2.2国内满意度的相关理论和模型 6

第三章 交通出行类共享经济平台用户满意度因素分析 8

3.1软件服务 8

3.1.1软件信息 8

3.1.2软件设计 8

3.1.3地图服务 8

3.2感知价值 9

3.2.1公司因素 9

3.2.2知名度 9

3.2.3计费 9

3.2.4政策影响 10

3.3安全性 10

3.3.1用户账户安全 10

3.3.2提供车辆安全性 10

3.3.3用户个人信息安全 10

3.4服务质量 11

3.4.1车辆服务 11

3.4.2接单服务 11

3.5用户个人因素 11

3.5.1用户的满意度倾向 11

3.5.2用户打车经验 12

3.6用户忠诚度 12

第四章 交通出行类共享经济用户满意度调查 13

4.1 调查目的与调查对象 13

4.2 调查问卷编制 13

4.3 调查数据分析 16

4.4 小结(总结调查结果) 30

第五章 交通出行类共享打车平台发展策略 32

5.1以补贴营销策略快速获取用户 32

5.1.1通过用户分享机制扩大用户规模 32

5.1.2通过价格补贴增强用户粘性 32

5.2以本土化策略扎根当地市场 32

5.2.1围绕社会倡导理念的本土化策略 32

5.2.2结合运营城市特点的本土化策略 33

5.3以跨界营销策略打响品牌知名度 33

5.3.1与企业跨界联手进行话题营销 33

5.3.2与媒体合作进行渠道拓宽 33

5.4以借势营销策略保持品牌热度 34

5.4.1利用明星效应进行形象塑造 34

5.4.2结合社会热点进行创意营销 34

5.5国内打车软件传播策略的不足之处 35

5.5.1市场传播缺乏计划性 35

5.5.2传播内容编码不合理 36

5.5.3传播对象细分不明确 36

5.6国内打车软件传播策略的未来发展建议 37

5.6.1延长市场活动周期有计划地传播 37

5.6.2明确传播诉求有重点地传播 38

5.6.3细分传播对象有针对地传播 38

第六章 结束语 39

致谢 40

参考文献 41

第一章 绪论



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