摘 要
关键词: 大学生; 微商广告; 厌恶; 广告刷屏; 狂招代理; 内容为王
A Survey Research on The Attitude of College Students to Micro Commercial Advertising -- Taking Cheng Xian College as an Example
micro business on micro business advertisement advice, so that they can be more college students to accept advertising.
In this paper, through the investigation method, observation method, combined with literature research, empirical research, quantitative analysis, case analysis and other methods to study the topic. On the basis of observation and literature research, a questionnaire is designed to collect investigation data to analyze and to draw a conclusion through empirical analysis.
After research and analysis, this paper draws the results. At present, the micro commercial advertisements are generally disliked by college students, but women are relatively mild. Half of the people involved in the micro business deal are traded in order to take care of their friends" business. The micro elements of business advertising makes people dislike are: advertising frames, false advertising, mad recruit agents of the network marketing model, human transactions. Among them, Shuabing advertising is the main reason. College students prefer interesting micro commercial advertising. The result, according to the "Sichuan Tan bye commerce limited liability company" micro business agent marketing model is analyzed in detail, found that there are serious behavior, Shuabing advertising the company"s micro business agent in the process of marketing the mad recruit MLM agent imitates the behavior, low quality and low amount of advertising and the question of moral phenomenon. The company"s marketing mode.
In the end, combining with the analysis results, to the micro business and gives the relevant opinions on micro enterprise store business advertisement: don"t make a detailed scraper, professional advertising, reduce MLM composition, establish the "content is king" proposed the concept of communication. Through these suggestions, we hope that we can help micro dealers and enterprises and stores to better produce and put up micro advertising, achieve greater micro advertising benefits, and reduce people"s dislike of micro advertising, and maintain a good industrial environment.
Keywords: College students; micro business advertisement; advertising aversion; advertising spam; mad recruit agents; the content is king
目 录
摘 要 Ⅰ
Abstract Ⅱ
第一章 绪 论 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究目的及意义 2
1.2.1 研究目的 2
1.2.2 研究意义 2
1.3 研究内容及方法 2
1.3.1 研究内容 2
1.3.2 研究方法 2
1.4 论文框架 3
第二章 大学生对微商广告的态度调查研究的文献综述 4
2.1 微商发展现状概况 4
2.1.1 微商主性别比例失衡 4
2.1.2 微商主年龄集中且年轻化现象显著 4
2.1.3 微商模式多样 4
2.2 微商广告发展现状概况 5
2.2.1 朋友圈变广告圈 5
2.2.2 用户重度媒体使用与广告刷屏碰撞 5
2.2.3 微商广告负面效果凸显 5
第三章 调查数据分析——以成贤学院为例 6
3.1 成贤学院相关概况 6
3.2 问卷调查表的设计与样本抽取 6
3.2.1 问卷调查表的设计与说明 6
3.2.2 样本抽取方法 6
3.3 调查数据分析 7
3.3.1 经济能力强的同学屏蔽微商的频率较低 7
3.3.2 陌生微商比好友微商更易被屏蔽 8
3.3.3 减肥保健类微商被屏蔽最多 8
3.3.4 一半用户觉得朋友圈微商偏多 8
3.3.5 微商交易满意度普遍偏低 9
3.3.6 微商广告普遍让人厌烦 9
3.3.7 女性对微商广告的厌烦程度较低但对微商广告更加挑剔 10
3.3.8 大学生更偏好优质内容的广告 10
3.4 大学生对微商广告的抗拒与反感 11
3.4.1 广告刷屏 12
3.4.2 虚假宣传夸张严重 12
3.4.3 发展代理-传销现场 13
3.4.4 套人情强行交易 13
3.5 影响大学生对微商广告态度的因素分析 14
第四章 以“谭八爷”食品为例分析大学生对微商广告的态度 15
4.1 “谭八爷”食品公司的经营模式概况 15
4.1.1 微商销售 15
4.1.2 “人人代理” 15
4.2 “谭八爷”食品的微商广告概况分析 16
4.2.1 微商广告刷屏现象 16
4.2.2 广告极其不专业且同质化严重 16
4.2.3 广告频现招收代理等字眼 16
4.3 炫耀收入 16
4.4 “谭八爷”案例小结 17
第五章 对微商主投放微商广告的建议 18
5.1 不要刷屏 18
5.2 制作专业详细真实的广告 18
5.3 减少传销成分 18
5.4 树立“内容为王”的传播观念 19
结 论 20
致 谢 21
参考文献(References) 22
附录 23
第一章 绪 论
1.1 研究背景