摘 要
关键词:移动网络; 网购; 数据分析
Research on the influencing factors of College Students" mobile Internet shopping
Mobile online shopping has become the mainstream in twenty-first Century online shopping, in this huge mobile Internet shopping crowd, college students take a part can not be ignored. However, although the mobile online shopping has begun to emerge in the consumer"s life, but also has broad prospects for development, but the domestic consumer acceptance of mobile online shopping is still relatively low. College students are a social group with innovation ability and the spirit of exploration, they to new things tend to have a lot of curiosity and acceptance rate is relatively fast and so on mobile network shopping, the level of understanding and acceptance are much higher than other groups, is certainly into as a pioneer of the promotion of mobile network shopping.
This research use questionnaire survey analysis and other methods, to the mobile network shopping is the focus of the study, focusing on exploring and research influence college students using mobile network shopping the many factors, and based on the investigation results, this paper puts forward some opinions and suggestions.
Keywords: Mobile network ; Online shopping; Data analysis
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第一章 绪 论 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究意义 1
第二章 文献综述 2
第三章 问卷设计 5
3.1 调查方法与调查对象 5
3.2 调查问卷设计 5
3.2.1 调查问卷结构 5
3.2.2 调查问卷初试 6
3.2.3 数据处理方法 6
第四章 数据分析与结果讨论 7
4.1 数据的收集与样本的描述 7
4.1.1 数据收集 7
4.1.2 描述性统计分析 7
4.2 大学生网络购物基本情况分析 8
4.2.1 大学生移动网络购物潜力 8
4.2.2 网上购物以满足物质上的需求为主 8
4.2.3 首选网站与物流集中度高 8
第五章 大学生移动网络购物的影响因素分析 10
5.1 影响大学生移动网络购物的客观因素 10
5.1.1 客观积极因素 10
5.1.2 客观消极因素 10
5.2 影响大学生移动网络购物的个人因素 10
5.3 大学生移动网络购物现状 11
5.3.1 大学生移动网络购物普遍 11
5.3.2 大学生网购的产品多样化 11
5.3.3 网购中存在的主要问题 12
5.4 大学生网购存在问题的解决对策 12
第六章 研究结论与建议 13
6.1 针对大学生采纳移动网络购物的相关建议 13
6.2 研究中的不足和未来展望 13
6.3 结论 14
致 谢 15
参考文献 16
附 录 17
第一章 绪 论
1.1 研究背景
1.2 研究意义