
 2022-04-28 10:04


摘 要




Since 2013, the proposal of the Belt and Road Strategy has played a positive role in promoting the development of China's export trade in technological products. At the same time, China has actively promoted policy guidelines for building an innovative state, and the level of science and technology has gradually reached the forefront of the world. The export of technical products has a very important positive effect on the development of China's export trade. The research on China's overall trade pattern has also become a research hotspot. Among China's many technological products, the level of space remote sensing technology has been significantly improved, and it has gradually shifted from the original single military support to civilian products, generating greater economic value. It is a representative and typical choice to study the export of China's technical products. Based on the Belt and Road Strategy for China's exports of space remote sensing technology products, this paper makes a comparative analysis of the different periods before and after the promulgation of the policy, with the help of annual changes in the export value and proportion of high-tech products. Finally, the development trend of trade in technology products export is concluded. Among them, the export of space remote sensing technology products is taken as an important empirical case. Through its development, the effects of various environments are concretely demonstrated, and some personalized suggestions are put forward according to the National conditions of China. Finally, the paper summarizes the whole text and studies the long-term development of China's technology export trade.

Key words: technical products, export trade, space remote sensing technology, Belt and Road policy

目 录



第一章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景 1

1.2研究目的 1

1.3研究内容与方案 2

1.3.1研究内容 2

1.3.2方案设计 2

第二章 理论与文献 4

2.1理论基础 4

2.2国内外文献 4

2.2.1技术产品出口研究 4

2.2.2 “一带一路”政策 5

2.2.3 航天遥感技术 5

第三章 中国技术出口贸易发展现状及影响因素 7

3.1发展环境 7

3.1.1 政治环境 7

3.1.2 经济环境 7

3.1.3 交通环境 7

3.1.4 技术环境 8

3.2存在问题 8

3.2.1基础薄弱 8

3.2.2经验不足 8

3.2.2体量较小 8

3.2.3结构不合理 9

表1 我国各类产品出口数额 单位(亿美元) 9

图1 我国进出口贸易构成 单位(百分比) 10

3.3影响因素 10

3.3.1 政策因素 10

3.3.2 技术因素 11

第四章 “一带一路”战略下的中国技术出口贸易 12

4.1“一带一路”战略 12

4.2五通发展环境 12

4.2.1政策沟通 12

4.2.2设施联通 12

4.2.3贸易畅通 13

4.2.4资金融通 13

4.2.5民心相通 13

4.3数据解读 14

4.3.1 中国外贸出口走势 14

4.3.2 中国与海上丝路沿线重要国家贸易发展变化趋势 15

4.3.3中国对“一带一路”国家贸易增长情况 16

图6 中国对“一带一路”国家贸易增长情况 单位(百分比) 16

第五章 实证研究——以航天遥感技术为例 17

5.1中国航天遥感技术 17

5.1.1地理优势 17

5.1.2数据优势 17

5.1.3政策优势 17

5.1.4当前问题 17

5.2航天遥感技术的实际应用 18

5.2.1产品贸易 18

5.2.2系统运用 19

5.3“一带一路”战略下的航天遥感技术产品出口贸易 19

5.3.1贸易现状 19

5.3.2发展趋势 21

第六章 发展对策 23

6.1企业对策 23

6.1.1开发新增长点 23

6.1.2 细化分工 23

6.2政府建议 23

6.2.1 反向推演 23

6.2.2 国际合作多角度布局 24

6.2.3 品质控制 24

总结 25

致 谢 26

参考文献(References) 27


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