
 2022-06-28 11:06


摘 要


关键词:容积率 规制强度 土地开发 城市规划


Land use regulation is one of the hot topics in urban economics, and the Floor—area ratio regulation is an important part of land use regulation .In the context of rapid urbanization and overall overheating of the real estate market in the past ten years since the new century, how do the gap between the privately optimal Floor—area ratio that maximizes land value and the government's regulatory Floor—area ratio in each city be measured? What are the factors that influence the confinement degree of government's regulatory Floor—area ratio implemented on housing development ?The method proposed by Brueckner is applied by us to measure the stringency of land use regulations and building height restrictions by using the elasticity of land prices relative to government's regulatory Floor—area ratio, and this method is also implemented to the dataset of parcel's transactions of residential and commercial land in more than 200 cities in China to estimate the stringency of the specific regulation in these cities, it was found that the average regulation's stringency of the major cities in the eastern region is very strict. The overall average Floor—area ratio stringency of residential and commercial land in major prefecture-level cities between the first 9 years and the last 8 years of the 15 years since 2000 are also compared in this paper, and it is concluded that the regulatory stringency in the later period is even stronger. In addition, our analysis finds that specific urban characteristics have a certain degree of influence on the stringency of Floor—area ratio regulation. Our estimates show that the locational attribute of a city which is coastal and degree of sprawl have positive and negative respectively effects on regulatory stringency.

KEY WORDS: Floor—area ratio , regulation's stringency ,land development ,Urban planning

目 录

摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 引言 1

1.1 选题背景 1

1.2 容积率的制度背景 2

第二章 文献综述 4

2.1 西方学者的相关文献 4

2.2 国内学者的相关文献 6

第三章 理论依据及计量模型 7

3.1 容积率规制强度测量方法的理论 7

3.2 容积率规制强度影响因素的理论 7

3.3 容积率规制强度测度的计量模型 8

第四章 实证检验 9

4.1 数据来源 9

4.2 主要地级市的容积率规制强度 9

4.3 容积率规制强度的区域比较 14

4.4 容积率规制强度时间段上的比较 16

4.5 容积率规制强度的影响因素 17

4.5.1 模型的构建与变量的选取 18

4.5.2 实证结果 20

第五章 结论及建议 24

5.1 结论 24

5.2 政策建议 24

致 谢 26

参考文献 27

附 录 29



1.1 选题背景




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