摘 要
At present, China's economy has entered a new round of development. Under the economic blockade of US , it is urgent for China to increase the technological added value of China's goods ,so that we can reduce the dependence on foreign technology and accelerate the transformation of economic development methods. Through the collection and analysis of basic data,we find that the proportion of intermediate goods are huge.Therefore, starting from the import of intermediate goods, this paper aims to figure out the relationship between the import of intermediate goods and the innovation output of enterprises.
Different from other research,this paper is based on the macro panel data of manufacturing enterprises in 31 provinces.and the data covers 8 years.Through the collation of relevant theoretical documents,we find that regional economic strength, corporate human capital, and firm size appear to be related to corporate innovation output.so we put these factors into a linear regression model.
The results show that the import of intermediate goods, the strength of economic development in the region where the enterprise is located, and the human capital of the enterprise have a positive effect on the innovation output of the enterprise. Unlike the Schumpeter hypothesis, the scale of the enterprise is negatively correlated with the innovation output of the enterprise.According to the conclusions, this article gives policy recommendations on how companies should increase their innovation output from the perspective of the state and the enterprise.
KEY WORDS:Import of intermediate goods, Corporate innovation, Fixed effect
目 录
第一章 绪论 1
1.1问题的提出 1
1.2研究内容 2
1.3相关概念界定 2
1.3.1中间品贸易 2
1.3.2企业创新 2
1.4研究方法及技术路线 2
第二章 关于中间品进口与企业创新相关文献综述 5
2.1西方宏观角度看贸易自由化与技术 5
2.2我国微观角度看中间品贸易与企业创新 5
第三章、中间品进口与企业创新影响产出机制分析 7
3.1中间品贸易与企业创新 7
3.2企业创新的其他影响因素 7
3.2.1地方经济实力 7
3.2.2企业研发人才 8
3.2.3企业规模 8
第四章 中间品进口与企业创新产出关系的实证分析 10
4.1模型的构建 10
4.2变量选取 10
4.2.1被解释变量 10
4.2.2解释变量 10
4.3数据来源 11
4.4数据分析 12
4.5实证结果分析 12
第五章 结论及政策建议 16
5.1结论 16
5.2政策建议 16
致 谢 19
参考文献: 20
第一章 绪论