摘 要
After World War II, developed countries began to resort to anti-dumping trade barriers to protect domestic industries with the reduction of tariff levels. Since 1990s, the number of anti-dumping investigations, the initiating countries and the amount involved increased rapidly. The situation of anti-dumping trade barriers facing China is particularly serious. China has been the country that has suffered the most anti-dumping investigations for 23 consecutive years.
At the same time, China’s overseas direct investment has been developing rapidly. In 2016, China’s overseas direct investment stock ranked sixth, covering all sectors of the national economy, and was distributed in 190 countries(regions) around the world.
In this context, this paper studies whether anti-dumping barriers have affect China’s overseas direct investment. This article first reviews the theoretical and empirical research at home and abroad, and then describes the anti-dumping barriers faced by China as well as the quantitative trends, industry distribution, and country distribution of China’s overseas direct investment. On this basis, the paper further demonstrates the feasibility of circumvention of anti-dumping barriers through ODI using a price competition model, and verifies whether China’s overseas direct investment is correlated with anti-dumping barriers through regression analysis of bilateral trade data between China and 41 countries in 2003-2016. The results show that there is a positive correlation between the two, and this conclusion is applicable for the developed and developing countries, respectively.
Finally, the paper points out that the government and relative corporations also need to consider how to deal with the host countries’ anti-circumvention investigations , select the suitable investment model and improve China’s industrial competitiveness to fundamentally ease the issue of trade friction during the practice. Then the paper proposes some suggestions.
Key words: anti-dumping barriers, overseas direct investment, circumvention
目 录
第一章 引言1
1.1 选题背景与研究意义1
1.2 研究内容1
1.2.1 研究思路1
1.2.2 研究内容1
1.2.3 研究框架1
1.2.4 技术路线2
1.3 研究方法、创新点以及局限性2
1.3.1 研究方法2
1.3.2 可能存在的创新点3
1.3.3 局限性3
第二章 文献回顾及理论分析4
2.1 国外的相关研究4
2.1.1 关税引致对外投资理论4
2.1.2 补偿性对外直接投资理论4
2.1.3 贸易壁垒与发展中国家对外直接投资的研究4
2.2 国内的相关研究5
2.3 反倾销壁垒影响对外直接投资的机理分析6
第三章 我国面临的反倾销壁垒状况8
3.1 我国遭受的反倾销调查的数量、趋势8
3.2 我国遭受反倾销调查的行业分布9
3.3 我国遭受反倾销调查的国别地区分布10
3.4 我国遭受反倾销调查的原因11
第四章 我国对外直接投资的发展状况13
4.1 我国对外直接投资的数量、趋势13
4.2 我国对外直接投资的行业分布15
4.3 我国对外直接投资的国别地区分布16
第五章 反倾销壁垒对我国对外直接投资影响的实证研究18
5.1 模型的建立18
5.2 变量的选取18
5.3 实证结果20
5.3.1 总样本的实证研究21
5.3.1 结论分析21
5.3.1 分样本的实证研究:发达国家与发展中国家的分类研究21
5.3 典型国家分析:中国对美国和印度的直接投资与反倾销壁垒22
第六章 结论与对策建议24
6.1 结论24
6.2 对策建议24
6.2.1 应对东道国政府反规避调查24
6.2.2 对外直接投资方式的选择24
6.2.3 提升我国的产业竞争力25
第一章 引言
1.1 选题背景与研究意义
二战后,国际贸易不断扩大,增速加快。在世界贸易组织的推动下,各国间的关税税率不断下降,根据世界银行的数据,2016年AHS已经下降到4.8%。与此同时,各国为保护本国产业,普遍采用非关税壁垒措施限制进口,在所有非关税壁垒中,对我国影响最大的是反倾销壁垒。反倾销,是指进口国对出口国产品在本国的倾销行为采取的惩罚性措施。从WTO数据库的统计来看,1995年至2017年底我国累计遭受贸易调查1367起,其中反倾销调查1165起,占比85.22%。连续23年针对中国发起的反倾销调查数量都是全球第一。1995-2017年底,全球反倾销案件4592起,有 25.37%是对我国出口产品发起的。近几年,由于国际经济环境的复杂化,日趋激烈的国际贸易竞争,国际金融危机以及贸易保护主义抬头的影响,我国贸易出口遭受反倾销壁垒的情况更加严重。