摘 要
关键词:农业 外商直接投资 科研
Agriculture is the most important material production department of China’s national economy.To achieve China's agricultural development, it is necessary to develop modernized agriculture and promote innovations of agricultural science and technology. As the core of scientific and technological innovation, Ramp;D is the main approach to improve industrial innovation ability. Therefore, promoting agricultural Ramp;D is the key to accelerate scientific and technological progress and raise international agricultural competitiveness. Since the reform and opening-up, China has acquired great achievement in agriculture by using foreign direct investment. The inflows of FDI have played a positive role in compensating for the lack of domestic agricultural investment, expansion of agricultural trade, increasing agricultural employment and farmers’ income, thus, the growth of China’s agricultural economy. However, as for the impact FDI has on the technological development of host country, there still is no certain answer for now. Combined with the fact that few people studied this subject in agriculture, we can’t be sure about FDI’s influence on agricultural science and technology innovation. This paper studys the mechanism of FDI to China’s agricultural Ramp;D activity.
This thesis combs the present condition of using agricultural FDI and domestic agricultural Ramp;D in China; then analyzes and summarizes the mechanism of FDI to China’s agricultural Ramp;D. Empirical analysis is also carried out to determine the impact of FDI on agricultural Ramp;D by using the data of agricultural FDI and Ramp;D activity from 1997 to 2013. Results showed that FDI has a negative impact on China’s Ramp;D activities in agriculture. Finally, this study summarizes the whole study and put forward some policy suggestions on improving FDI inflow to agriculture and promoting the development of agricultural Ramp;D.
Key word: agriculture, FDI, Ramp;D
摘 要 IV
Abstract V
第一章 绪论 1
1.1研究的背景及意义 1
1.2研究的内容和方法 2
1.3研究的创新与不足 2
1.4论文的结构安排 3
第二章 国内外研究综述 4
2.1关于农业利用FDI的研究 4
2.2关于FDI对Ramp;D的研究 6
2.2.1FDI促进东道国科技创新 6
2.2.2 FDI抑制东道国科技创新 7
2.3关于农业Ramp;D活动的研究 8
第三章 我国农业利用FDI和农业科研现状的分析 10
3.1我国农业利用FDI现状的分析 10
3.2我国农业科研现状的分析 14
第四章 FDI对我国农业科研作用机制的理论分析 16
4.1 FDI对东道国技术溢出渠道分析 16
4.2 FDI对农业技术溢出效应分析 17
4.2.1 示范和竞争效应 18
4.2.2 产业关联效应 18
4.2.3人力资本效应 19
4.3 FDI对我国农业科研的作用机制分析 19
4.3.1 农业FDI的横向与纵向溢出 19
4.3.2FDI对我国农业科研条件的改善 21
第五章 FDI对我国农业科研(Ramp;D)作用的实证研究 23
5.1指标的选取与数据处理 23
5.2建立计量模型 23
5.3计量检验的结果及分析 24
第六章 优化农业利用FDI和农业科研的政策建议 26
6.1优化农业利用FDI的政策 26
6.2 促进我国农业科研发展的政策 27
第一章 绪论
改革开放以来,我国经济社会迅速发展,投资环境不断改善,外国投资持续涌入。尤其是1992年确定建立社会主义市场经济体制之后, 外国对华直接投资速度加快,基本保持稳定增长趋势,我国利用外商直接投资取得了巨大成就。 根据《2013中国外商投资报告》,从2002至2012年,中国利用外商直接投资项目数总计37万个,实际使用外资金额总计8859.5亿美元。农业是我国对外资开放最早的行业之一,也是我国引进外商直接投资的重点领域。但是,由于我国农业开发投资大、周期长,与一般外商直接投资希望短期内获益的目标不符,我国农业对FDI的利用相对整体滞后。为促进农业发展,政府制定了吸引外资流入农业的方针政策,鼓励外商直接投资方式的多样化,从目前看来,虽然农业利用FDI的相对数量并没有明显增加,但绝对数量呈明显上升趋势。