摘 要
Reform and opening up to our country has a remarkable economic growth and export trade expansion. Today, China has grown into the world's second largest economy and the largest exporter. However, China's huge economic achievements can not but say that China's strong population dividends are inextricably linked, that is, adequate labor supply and low labor costs. However, with the sharp decline in the birth rate of our country, the aging of the population is becoming more and more serious, the population dependency ratio is gradually rising, the demographic dividend in China is gradually subsided, the export-oriented economic model is also changing, high savings, high investment, low consumption mode of production Has been able to keep up with the trend of development of the times. In addition, China's average labor costs continue to increase the cost of production costs also continue to rise. In the large export trade volume and a variety of export trade types, China's labor-intensive products, export-oriented, which led to the development of China's foreign trade increasingly difficult. Therefore, this paper will explore the impact of appeals change on China's export trade.
On the basis of previous studies, this paper adds the real exchange rate of RMB to the total amount of China's total export trade, the total population support ratio and the average labor cost in China, and establishes a reasonable index influence system, which is related to the population structure and export trade The study shows that the population total dependency ratio is negatively correlated with the export, indicating that the demographic dividend is beneficial to the export, and make suggestions on the future development path of China's export trade industry according to the measurement results.
KEY WORDS: population dividend, export trade, labor cost, population support ratio
目 录
摘 要 Ⅰ
第一章 绪论 1
1.1研究背景和意义 1
1.1.1研究背景 1
1.1.2研究意义 2
1.2研究方法 2
1.3创新点与不足之处 2
1.3.1本文可能存在的创新点 2
1.3.2本文可能存在的不足之处 3
1.4本文结构与数据来源 3
第二章 相关研究综述与本文理论基础 5
2.1相关研究综述 5
2.2本文理论基础 7
2.2.1人口论和人力资本论 7
2.2.2绝对优势理论和比较优势理论 7
2.2.3二元经济论 8
第三章 人口构成与人力成本的国际比较 9
3.1 世界各主要国家人口年龄结构情况 9
3.2世界劳动力成本情况 11
第四章 我国人口红利下降现状及其对出口贸易的影响机理 13
4.1我国人口红利下降现状分析 13
4.1.1人口总抚养比上升 13
4.1.2我国劳动力成本上涨 16
4.1.3劳动力变化对我国出口贸易的影响 17
4.2人口红利对出口贸易的影响机理 19
第五章 人口红利对出口贸易的实证检验 22
5.1相关概念的界定 22
5.2研究假设 22
5.3模型设定 23
5.4模型检验及结果 23
5.4.1单位根检验(ADF) 23
5.4.2协整检验(Engle-Granger) 24
5.4.3 ECM误差修正模型——短期波动模型 25
5.4.4 结论 26
第六章 结语与政策建议 27
6.1本文主要结论 27
6.2政策建议 27
参考文献 29
附录 31
第一章 绪论
2001年11月11日,中国签署了加入世界贸易组织协定书,从此以后中国成为World Trade Organization 第143个成员国。过去十五年来中国的实质出口增长了百分之五十以上,结果2004年中国超过日本成为世界第三大出口国,仅次于德国和美国。并且,中国的出口结构自1992年以来发生了巨大的变化纺织品和服装、农业、轻工业制品的份额明显下降,其中包括消费电子、家用电器和电脑。然而机械出口增长的很大一部分是由于加工贸易的增长(加工机电产品出口时可免组装部分税费),这些产业一般具有高技能含量,大部分起源于美国和日本等发达国家。因此,表面上看来中国正在大幅度地改变其比较优势,但深入下来思考研究发现中国仍旧继续专注于劳动密集型产品。