
 2022-11-12 02:11


摘 要





Study on China's Agricultural Export Trade to ASEAN:

Analysis Based on Trade Facilitation


With the deepening of world economic integration, tariff barriers in international trade have been trying to reduce after being concerned. However, the marginal contribution of Global trade has shown a weak growth trend in recent years, and even the data of some countries have regressed. Gradually, the non efficiency of trade as an invisible trade barrier has attracted attention. After a comprehensive and profound discussion, trade facilitation has been included in the "Doha development agenda", which has become a recognized new impetus for transnational economic cooperation. Therefore, countries all over the world began to promote the reform of trade facilitation from the system, hardware, procedures, platforms and other dimensions.

In 2010, China-ASEAN Free Trade Area, which is consistent with the development vision of both sides, was established, and the breadth and depth of cooperation were further promoted. Looking at the world, both sides have an important international position in the field of agriculture, and the economic cooperation of agricultural products has undoubtedly been the focus of the common development of China and ASEAN. Therefore, from the perspective of trade facilitation, how to help both sides out of the plight of the weak growth of total imports of agricultural products, and what enlightenment this will bring to China's trade facilitation reform, is the key of this paper.

First of all, this paper analyzes the development status of ASEAN member countries' facilitation, uses gravity model to make empirical analysis on the trade scale, gross national product, trade facilitation of seven of them, studies the factors influencing China's export of agricultural products to ASEAN, and finally gives countermeasures and suggestions. According to the research of this paper, there are regional differences in the level of domestic facilitation in ASEAN members, and the majority of countries are not convenient, so it is necessary to promote trade facilitation. At the same time, the export of agricultural products itself has a certain sensitivity. Therefore, the countries of China-ASEAN Free Trade Area should work together to improve the overall level of facilitation by improving transportation roads, improving the transparency of decision-making, simplifying customs clearance procedures, and building a platform for sharing experience.

Keywords: Trade facilitation; Agricultural product export trade; China-ASEAN Free Trade Area

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪 论 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2 研究意义 1

1.3 研究框架 2

1.4 研究方法 3

1.5 创新和不足 3

第二章 文献综述与相关理论 4

2.1 文献综述 4

2.1.1 关于指标构建的文献 4

2.1.2 关于实证方法的文献 4

2.2 相关理论 5

2.2.1 贸易便利化的定义 5

2.2.2 贸易便利化的相关理论 5

第三章 中国与东盟农产品贸易的现状和问题 6

3.1 中国与东盟农产品贸易的现状与存在问题 6

3.1.1 贸易现状 6

3.1.2 存在问题 8

3.2 中国与东盟农产品贸易的便利化问题引出 9

第四章 中国与东盟贸易便利化水平的测量 10

4.1 贸易便利化评价体系的构建原则 10

4.2 指标体系的构建 10

4.2.1 贸易便利化指标选取 10

4.2.2 指数化处理 10

4.2.3 指标权重的分析 10

4.3 中国与东盟各国的贸易便利化水平 11

4.4 中国与东盟各国贸易便利化发展现状 11

4.4.1 中国与东盟各国的海陆空交通条件分析 11

4.4.2 中国与东盟各国的政府政策管控力分析 14

4.4.3 中国与东盟各国的进出口通关效率分析 14

4.4.4 中国与东盟各国的跨境数字化贸易分析 15

第五章 贸易便利化水平对农产品出口的实证研究 16

5.1 引力模型的设定 16

5.1.1 模型的来源 16

5.1.2 模型的构建与变量说明 16

5.1.3 数据来源与数据处理 17

5.2 贸易便利化对农产品出口影响的实证检验 18

5.2.1 整体回归分析 18

5.2.2 一级指标回归分析 19

5.3 本章小节 19

第六章 对策建议 21

6.1 完善农产品运输的道路,丰富农产品可出口种类 21

6.2 提高政府决策的透明度,优化本土农业种植结构 21

6.3 简化进出口通关的程序,增强农产品国际竞争力 21

6.4 推动东盟互联网的普及,搭建农业经验互享平台 22

致 谢 23

参考文献(References) 24

第一章 绪 论

1.1 研究背景




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