摘 要
Analysis on the current situation and Development Countermeasures of China Mongolia Trade -- taking coal industry as an example
Mongolia is located in the north of China, and is the longest land neighbor with China's border.After the reform and opening up, there are more and more trade cooperation between China and Mongolia, which also promotes the growth of China's trade. At present, China has become Mongolia's largest investor, especially after Mongolia's mining of world-class minerals, its position in China's coal import is gradually rising, and the development of friendly trade relations with Mongolia has gradually become a long-term strategy in the development process of China. But at present, there are some problems in the development of Sino-Mongolian coal trade, such as the backward infrastructure of Mongolia and the lack of integrity of some Chinese enterprises, which affect the trade cooperation between China and Mongolia. Hence, there is necessity to enhance the analysis of the existing circumstances and problems of the development of Sino-Mongolian coal trade, in order to find a better strategy to promote the development of Sino-Mongolian coal trade.
This paper uses the methods of literature retrieval and comparative analysis to investigate the development status of the coal industry in China and Mongolia, reveals the existing problems, and understands the status quo of the trade development of the coal industry in China and Mongolia and the significance of research. Through the combination of qualitative analysis and quantitative analysis, theoretical research and empirical research, this paper probes into the problems existing in the coal trade industry in China and Mongolia and formulates reasonable development strategy.The difficulty in the whole research process is to find out the possible problems of cooperation through the analysis of the current situation, and formulate the strategies to improving the status quo of trade according to the actual situation.
Keywords: China Mongolia Trade; Coal industry; Present situation; Problem; Strategy
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第一章 绪 论 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究的目的和意义 1
1.2.1 研究的目的 1
1.2.2 研究的意义 1
1.3 研究的思路及内容 2
1.4 全文结构框架 2
第二章 相关文献综述 3
第三章 中蒙煤炭贸易发展的基础和必要性 4
3.1 中蒙煤炭贸易发展的基础 4
3.1.1 煤炭对国家工业发展的重要性 4
3.1.2 中国对煤炭的需求分析 4
3.2 蒙古国煤炭资源的概述 6
3.2.1 蒙古国煤炭资源的分布 6
3.2.2 蒙古国煤炭工业的分布 7
3.3 促进中蒙煤炭贸易发展的必要性 7
3.3.1 存在地势方面的优势 7
3.3.2 存在互补性 7
3.3.3 有利于促进文化交流以及政治互信 7
第四章 中蒙贸易的发展中煤炭行业的现状及存在的问题 9
4.1 中蒙贸易在煤炭行业运行的情况 9
4.1.1 中国对蒙古国的矿山资源投资在增加 9
4.1.2 蒙古国煤炭的出口中中国占据重要地位 9
4.1.3 中蒙在煤炭行业的运输成本较低 11
4.2 中蒙贸易发展中煤炭行业的特点 11
4.3 中蒙煤炭贸易发展中中方的问题分析 11
4.3.1 缺乏完善的基础设施 11
4.3.2 中国投资企业忽略了对蒙古国自然环境的保护 12
4.3.3 进口煤炭关税设置较高 12
4.3.4 恶性竞争,使得市场的秩序被打破 12
4.4 中蒙煤炭贸易发展中蒙古国的问题分析 13
4.4.1 缺乏完善的铁路基础设施 13
4.4.2 缺乏专业的地质领域人才 13
4.4.3 在矿产领域的投资资金较少 13
第五章 加快中蒙煤炭贸易发展的对策 15
5.1 蒙古国需对现有的政策进行完善,为贸易合作奠定基础 15
5.2 蒙古国需要加大在矿产以及教育方面的投资 15
5.3 提升中国企业的信誉度,严管企业恶性竞争 15
5.4 中国投资企业应注重环境保护,避免盲目开采 16
5.5 加强建设两国的基础设施 16
5.6 基于国情制定中蒙煤炭长期贸易合作的战略 16
结 论 17
致 谢 18
参考文献(References) 19
- 绪 论
- 研究背景
- 研究的目的和意义
1.2.1 研究的目的