
 2022-01-17 11:01


目 录

1、绪论 3

1.1研究目的 3

1.2研究意义 3

1.2.1 理论价值 4

1.2.2 现实意义 4

1.3 研究思路与框架 4

1.4 研究方法 5

1.5 创新之处 6

2、文献综述 6

2.1 人才集聚内涵 6

2.2 人才集聚模式 7

2.3 人才聚集效应 7

2.3.1 人才集聚效应理论研究 8

2.3.2人才集聚效应实证研究 8

2.4 人才集聚的环境及其评价 8

3、海外高端人才集聚现状与特点分析 9

3.1我国海外高端人才集聚的现状 10

3.2我国海外高端人才集聚的特点 13

4、海外高端人才集聚理论分析 14

4.1 城市发展水平对海外高端人才的影响 14

4.2 产业集聚水平对海外高端人才的影响 16

5、海外高端人才集聚实证分析 17

5.1 研究设计 17

5.1.1 模型设定 17

5.1.2 变量说明 17

5.1.3 数据来源 18

5.2 回归结果与解释 18

5.2.1变量系数解释 20

5.2.2 分地区数据分析与解释 21

6、结论与政策建议 23

6.1研究结论 23

6.2政策建议 24

6.2.1提升地区经济实力,推动人才集聚 24

6.2.2提升城市生活水准,完善医疗体系 25

参考文献 25

致谢 29




Abstract: This article researches on the factors which affect the accumulation of overseas high-end talents from two aspects of theoretical and empirical. Theoretical analysis shows that towns level, per capita GDP, regional industrial agglomeration level, per capita income level, price level, science and technology input intensity, cultural atmosphere, the level of health care resources and social living environment have a certain influence on overseas high-end talent agglomeration. Empirical results show that social life environment, science and technology input intensity, cultural atmosphere and the per capita GDP and overseas high-end talent agglomeration showed a positive correlation; urbanization level, social and economic environment and industrial agglomeration level, level of health care resources and overseas high-end talent agglomeration was negatively correlated. Eastern region industrial agglomeration level, the level of medical resources and the level of urbanization and overseas high-end talents agglomeration is negatively correlated; and input in science and technology strength and the cultural atmosphere and the area of overseas high end talent agglomeration level there is a positive correlation between. The intensity of science and technology investment in the central region is positively related to the concentration of overseas high-end talent, and the price level is negatively related to the concentration of overseas high-end talent. Western industrial agglomeration level and income level and overseas high-end talent is negatively related to agglomeration, investment in science and technology strength and the environment with the overseas high-end talent agglomeration are positively related. The level of income and overseas high-end talent culture, agglomeration in Northeast China is positively correlated.Based on the above conclusions, put forward the following suggestions: while the government actively attract overseas high-end talents, they also should take local social characteristics into account, adjust measures to local conditions, improve the comprehensive competitiveness of the region, promote the optimization and upgrading of the industrial structure, promote industrial agglomeration, control prices, to increase people's happiness index and improve people's living environment.

Key words:Overseas high-end talent; talent agglomeration; influencing factors


引进人才是21世纪社会经济发展的重中之重,海外高端人才不仅可以给国内带来国外最新的理论思想、最先进的科技,还可以推动地区经济快速发展。世界经济论坛(2013)强调,“国家的人力资本禀赋---人民的技能和能力,在长期经济发展中可以成为更重要的影响因素。”人力资本的流动作为一个推动者,可以填补当地的技能空白并解决人才短缺问题(McDonnell等,2012; McNulty和Inkson,2013;Vaiman和Collings,2013),为吸引海外高端人才并诱导他们留下来,许多国家不断提出相关优惠政策,希望可以通过这样的途径留住海外高端人才(Bashin和Cheng,2002;Legget,2013;The Straits Times,2010a,b)。高技能专业人才的流动已经越来越多地成为“市场、国际贸易多边框架的一部分,人才不再仅仅是企业之间的竞争,更是国与国之间的竞争。”(Lavenex,2006,p.52)。







1.2.1 理论价值


1.2.2 现实意义


1.3 研究思路与框架




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