摘 要
Electric power industry is the most important basic energy industry in the development of national economy and the first basic industry of national economy. On the one hand, the introduction of competitive model has promoted the efficiency improvement of electric power enterprises with the continuous deepening of power system reform .On the other hand, the growth of social demand for electricity and the regulation of sales price are squeezing the profit space of power enterprises. How to improve the efficiency of power supply enterprises has become a key issue.
In this paper, the investment efficiency of power distribution network is taken as the research object. It takes the electricity enterprise of Beijing, Shanghai, Nanjing, Suzhou, Hangzhou and Ningbo as an example. Based on the peer benchmarking index of electric power enterprises in 2014, the evaluation system of key indicators, such as the investment efficiency of distribution network, was constructed. On this basis, quantitative analysis methods such as cluster analysis and correlation analysis are used to analyze and evaluate the theoretical feasibility of key indicators from two dimensions of distance and correlation respectively. In this paper, data envelopment analysis is used to study the investment efficiency of distribution network of sample urban power supply enterprises.
The research results of this paper indicate that Beijing has the best investment efficiency in distribution network, and Shanghai and Suzhou reached the effective level in 2014 after scale adjustment. However, the main reasons why Nanjing, Hangzhou and Ningbo fail to reach the effective level are power transformation capacity (over 35kV) and relative redundancy of investment in power grid technology transformation. According to the analysis results of efficiency of power enterprises and the redundancy of input and output, the measures and Suggestions to improve investment efficiency are put forward.
Keywords:The electric power enterprise;Benefits of grid investment;The indicator system;Data envelope analysis
摘 要 I
Abstract II
图序 VI
表序 VI
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究意义 1
1.3 研究方法 1
1.4 研究思路 2
第二章 电网企业投资效益评价的理论基础 3
2.1国内外同类技术对比分析 3
2.1.1 投资效率评价的方法 3
2.1.2 企业投资效率评价 3
2.1.3 电网投资效率评价的相关研究 3
2.2文献评述 4
第三章 电网投资效率评价指标体系的构建 6
3.1构建原则 6
3.2构建流程 7
3.3评价指标体系 7
3.4数据构成 9
3.4.1 地区基础指标 9
3.4.2 电网性能指标 9
3.4.3 企业经济效益指标 10
3.4.4 社会效益指标 10
3.5对比研究 10
3.6指标约简 12
3.6.1聚类分析 12
3.6.1相关分析 13
3.6.3 指标标准化 20
第四章 副省级城市供电企业电网投资效率分析 22
4.1模型选择 22
4.1.1 线性形式的BCC模型 22
4.2模型构建 23
4.2.1输入输出指标选择 23
4.3模型分析与讨论 24
4.3.1 效率总体特征 24
4.3.2 松弛变量分析 25
第五章 结论与建议 27
致 谢 28
参考文献 29
图 序
图1-1 研究步骤 2
图3-1 大型供电企业电网投资效率评价指标体系构架 8