
 2022-07-04 07:07


摘 要






The stock market and real estate market are the major investment channels for our residents. The stock market is the "barometer" of China's economic operation and has the functions of amassing, allocating and regulating funds. The real estate market is not only confined to the commodity attributes of housing. It has been given a strong financial nature, and it has strong industrial linkages and plays a vital role in the operation of China's economy. Studying the interaction relationship between the real estate market and the stock market and its transmission mechanism is conducive to the formulation of policies, promotes the healthy and stable development of China's financial environment, and then promotes the normal operation of the national economy. At the same time, from the perspective of investors, understanding the interactive relationship between the two markets will help investors to optimize their investment portfolio and investment strategies.

This paper combines domestic and foreign scholars' research on the relationship between the real estate market and the stock market, and combines the normative theoretical analysis with the VAR empirical analysis to explore the relationship between the two markets and give reasonable advice. This article selects the Shanghai Composite Index and the new residential price index from January 2011 to December 2017 to represent the two market price changes for empirical research. The empirical analysis mainly depends on the VAR model. Based on the model, an impulse impact function model, a variance decomposition model, a co-integration test, and a Granger causality test model are established.

According to the empirical results, we conclude that the real estate market has a long-term co-integration relationship with the stock market, and the real estate market has a significant impact on the stock market. Based on this conclusion, reasonable policy recommendations and investment suggestions are proposed.

KEY WORDS: the stock market, the real estate market, interaction, VAR model


摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1 选题背景与选题意义 1

1.2 研究思路与方法 2

1.3 本文创新点及不足 2

第二章 文献综述 3

2.1 国外研究状况 3

2.2 国内研究状况 3

2.3 文献评述 4

第三章 房地产市场与股票市场相互关系的理论研究 5

3.1 房地产市场与股票市场的正相关关系 5

3.1.1 财富效应 5

3.1.2 信贷扩张效应 5

3.1.3 宏观经济传导效应 6

3.2 房地产市场与股票市场的负相关关系 6

3.2.1 替代效应 6

3.2.2 投资组合理论 6

3.3 小结 7

第四章 房地产市场与股票市场相互关系的实证分析 8

4.1 数据来源 8

4.2 描述性统计 8

4.3 实证模型与结果 10

4.3.1 平稳性检验 10

4.3.2 向量自回归模型 12

4.3.3 脉冲影响函数分析 15

4.3.4 方差分解 16

4.3.5 协整检验 17

4.3.6 格兰杰因果关系检验 18

4.4 小结 18

第五章 结论与建议 20

5.1 研究结论 20

5.2 政策建议 21

致谢 22

参考文献 23






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